Lunar calendar from August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024 Friday
Friday is a day of the Venus
Stop the Ekadashi fasting from 6:10 AM till 10:44 AM
Moon void of course from 3:24 PM till 5:09 PM

26 lunar day

Waning Moon
Symbol: Swamp
starts at 1:25 AM
No wisdom like silence. This is a day of ekadashi (the 11th day after fullmoon).
Wasted efforts are possible today, idle talk is a waste of energy. There is a great temptation to give way to the illusion of your own achievements. Abstain from intensive activity, it is better to relax. Be selective with your contacts.
Moon in Cancer
continues until 6:12 PM
Moon in Cancer zodiac sign
Emotions are elevated, exercise diplomacy.
It is advisable to get good sleep. Strengthen the aforementioned organs. Choose light foods. Today is favorable for passing organ stones. You may visit cosmetologist or dentist.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon sextile Venus
Moon sextile Uranus
August 31, 2024 Saturday
Saturday is a day of the Saturn

27 lunar day

Waning Moon
Symbol: Trident
starts at 2:41 AM
Sober mind and spirit open the way to concealed knowledge.
The challenge placed before people today is to find themselves and transfer to other people what they discover. This is a fine day for meditation; intuitive insights and concealed knowledge may be acquired. Today is a good time to find a way out of a difficult situation. Don't start new projects.
Moon in Leo
continues from the morning
Moon in Leo zodiac sign
Creative enthusiasm. Be active and decisive.
It is advisable to get good sleep. Take care of the heart. Good time for a haircut or festive occasions.
September 1, 2024 Sunday
Sunday is a day of the Sun

28 lunar day

Waning Moon
Symbol: Lotus
starts at 3:58 AM
Quiet and favorable day.
Today should be lived actively and in good humor. Look inside yourself. One may start any new projects. The day is particularly favorable for the purchase of land or real estate. Cultivate your good ideas. This is a good day for work with dreams.
Moon in Leo
continues from the morning
Moon in Leo zodiac sign
Creative enthusiasm. Be active and decisive.
It is advisable to get good sleep. Take care of the heart. Good time for a haircut or festive occasions.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon conjunct Mercury
Moon sextile Jupiter
Moon square Uranus
September 2, 2024 Monday
Monday is a day of the Moon
Moon void of course from 0:24 AM till 3:48 AM

29 lunar day

Waning Moon
Symbol: Hydra
starts at 5:13 AM
Clean yourself and your house, and keep clean.
Stay abstinent and humble, practice humility and repentance; today i a good day for fasting and healing. Do not do anything new; follow through on the things you started. Cut off false ties. Do housework, tidy up and clean your house. Chores such as baking are recommended.
Moon in Virgo
starts from 4:49 AM
Moon in Virgo zodiac sign
Business and intellectual activity. Good day to start any important projects.
Healthy diet is advisable. A good day for haircuts, manicures and hand care procedures.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon sextile Mars
September 3, 2024 Tuesday
Tuesday is a day of the Mars

1 lunar day

New Moon at 2:55 AM
Symbol: Candle
starts at 2:55 AM
This is a day of creative projects planning.
It is not recommended to start new projects; current affairs would be better postponed. Things planned on this day should be successfully accomplished. Do not overload yourself physically and emotionally. Reduce contacts with people.

2 lunar day

Symbol: Horn of plenty
starts at 6:25 AM
One can knows what things are necessary by feeling, when eating and contacting with people.
This day is favorable for starting cycles of physical exercises or large educational cycles. Eat only the food you like, follow this principle in your contacts with people as well. Be generous. Do not overeat.
Moon in Virgo
continues from the morning
Moon in Virgo zodiac sign
Business and intellectual activity. Good day to start any important projects.
Healthy diet is advisable. A good day for haircuts, manicures and hand care procedures.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon conjunct Sun
Moon square Jupiter
Moon opposite Saturn
September 4, 2024 Wednesday
Wednesday is a day of the Mercury
Moon void of course from 4:06 PM till 4:11 PM

3 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Leopard
starts at 7:36 AM
This is a day of fighting man, of feat.
This is a very energetic day. It is time to act; being passive is not recommended. It is a favorable day for intense physical exercise. It is the best day for martial arts. Be aware of aggression manifesting. It's a good day for sharpening knives.
Moon in Virgo
continues until 5:12 PM
Moon in Virgo zodiac sign
Business and intellectual activity. Good day to start any important projects.
Healthy diet is advisable. A good day for haircuts, manicures and hand care procedures.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon square Mars
Moon trine Uranus
September 5, 2024 Thursday
Thursday is a day of the Jupiter

4 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Tree of Knowledge
starts at 8:45 AM
This is a day of choice between good or evil, in actions and in thoughts.
Solitude is advisable. Gardening, housekeeping, walking, relaxing, communicating with elements are recommended. Group work is not suggested; do not make hasty decisions. Be attentive to sudden provocations and temptation.
Moon in Libra
continues from the morning
Moon in Libra zodiac sign
This is a fortunate time for communication, talks and meeting arrangements.
Keep your bladder and kidneys warm. Facials, haircuts and eye procedures are advisable. You may visit the dentist.
Moon aspects with planets
Moon conjunct Venus
Lunar calendar for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month