Lunar calendar of dreams for September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024 Friday
18 lunar day
Symbol: Mirror
The dreams this lunar day are a reflection of ourselves. If to compare our dream image with reality we may see how far we are from the realization of what we most want to be. If the dream shows that one is active and energetic, but on the contrary they are rather discouraged and passive, then one must seek to balance: try and be more active and energetic when appropriate and be patient and calm only when necessary . If in the dream you see yourself the same as you believe you are in reality, and you have no desire to change, then you must not have any contradictions about yourself in your subconscious. This dream might point toward imbalances or contradictions within your subconscious. If you want to work with these issues prepare in advance a notebook and pen to record your dream first thing. Next, continue to use the rest of this lunar day to observe all of the imbalances and contradictions which surround your environment in waking life, record them as well, and compare notes. Dream may also show you things which hinder you to live to your fullest. You may find hints to overcome certain problems, even in regard to your health. Good dreams this lunar day are an omen of profit and successful acquisitions; dream may come true.
September 21, 2024 Saturday
19 lunar day
Symbol: Spider
This is a difficult lunar day and dreams might be unpleasant. Therefore, if you had a nightmare, say any prayer upon waking or simply say 'Where the night goes, a dream follows' and visualize the dream fading into the darkness. It is better not to try and interpret the dream yourself today; if you need, turn to professionals, because the dream can not be interpreted in any literal sense but conceals deep psychological problems within the subconscious.
September 22, 2024 Sunday
20 lunar day
Symbol: Eagle
Today's dreams may come true quickly. On this lunar day you can even order the dream if you wish; for example, you may visit a place you wanted to go. You may also try to appear in someone else's dream. It is possible for dreams today to provide solutions to any problems or allow you to travel in the subtle worlds. There exists an omen which says that if the weather is bad in the morning, then the dream will come true today.
September 23, 2024 Monday
21 lunar day
Symbol: Herd of horses
The main task of dreams this lunar day is to show you how little creative energy is being manifested in your life: is it non-existent or barely coming through. In all other aspects these dreams don't matter and rarely come true.
September 24, 2024 Tuesday
22 lunar day
Symbol: Ganesha
The dreams today may have a wide range of significance. They can be simply empty and make no sense to interpret, or they might lead you in the direction of positive change. Since this lunar day belongs to Ganesha (God of Knowledge), through our dreams we may resolve problems, receive revelation or new knowledge. Today, before you go to sleep, you may prepare yourself to receive this revelation or knowledge by wishing for something or asking a question to your subconscious. Do not forget to record all the information you received during the dream upon waking.
September 25, 2024 Wednesday
23 lunar day
Symbol: Crocodile Makkara
Today dreams are deceptive and even contradictory to reality. Whatever message you believe your dream on this lunar day is giving, the truth is more likely to be opposite. Sometimes today's dreams are about social issues or they might show you which aspects of yourself you do not accept. Because of the energy of this lunar day nightmares are possible.
September 26, 2024 Thursday
24 lunar day
Symbol: Shiva
On this lunar day dreams show the state of your sexual energy, creative power, inner strength, and your overall potential. If you had good dreams, then everything is going well. Bad dreams may point to the place where your energy is escaping. Perhaps you have not established a relationship with the opposite sex, or you aren't manifesting yourself creatively in life, or you've wasted a lot of internal strength and you need to recover that energy. Sometimes dreams on this lunar day may show your past lives, in this case life is giving you direct instructions for the precise issues that you are in need of overcoming.
Lunar calendar of dreams for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month