Nutrition lunar calendar for April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024
22 lunar day Symbol: Ganesha
starts at 3:10 AM
Any food is allowed. Ganesha, a well-known epicure, is a protector for this day. Eat much today. Prepare dishes of Indian traditional kitchen like laddu, khir. Vegetable food is favorable. Fasting is not recommended.
Moon in Capricorn Moon in Capricorn
starts from 5:02 AM
Days of cold. Active element is ground. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is root. During these days the salt has its best quality, that favorably influences upon blood. It is better avoid much lard, ham, herring, melted cheese and etc. Pay special attention if you are keeping impoverished salt diet. Unfortunately, the most wanted product these days is salt.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 2, 2024
23 lunar day Symbol: Crocodile Makkara
starts at 4:04 AM
Overeat is dangerous this day. fermented milk and milk products are favorable. The best menu is milk and custard pie with nut. Avoid meat, coffee and alcohol. Overeating can lead to the digestive tract troubles. Take less water. Fasting is allowed.
Moon in Capricorn Moon in Capricorn
continues from the morning
Days of cold. Active element is ground. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is root. During these days the salt has its best quality, that favorably influences upon blood. It is better avoid much lard, ham, herring, melted cheese and etc. Pay special attention if you are keeping impoverished salt diet. Unfortunately, the most wanted product these days is salt.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 3, 2024
24 lunar day Symbol: Shiva
starts at 4:44 AM
This day the food should be diverse and nutritious. fermented milk and milk products are favorable. A little dry wine is allowed. Fasting is not recommended.
Moon in Aquarius Moon in Aquarius
starts from 10:03 AM
Days of light. Active element is air. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is flower. During these days the fat has its best quality, that favorably influences upon glands. If you have endocrine system problem look what you want to eat. Probably not all of them are healthful for you. Change your food ration.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 4, 2024
25 lunar day Symbol: Turtle
starts at 5:12 AM
A good day for purification. Fasting is recommended. Do not drink much. Avoid roughage. Mushrooms and melons are not recommended. Take dairy produce, especially curd, but not too much. Custard pies are favorable.
Moon in Aquarius Moon in Aquarius
continues from the morning
Days of light. Active element is air. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is flower. During these days the fat has its best quality, that favorably influences upon glands. If you have endocrine system problem look what you want to eat. Probably not all of them are healthful for you. Change your food ration.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 5, 2024
26 lunar day Symbol: Swamp
starts at 5:33 AM
This day is energetically complicated. It is favorable to take delicate vegetable food. Avoid beans. Often this day is simultaneous with Ekadashi. During Ekadashi avoid taking grain and vegetable oils. Have a dinner out of buckwheat and vegetable salad. In the evening drink milk. Use melted butter. Do not take round vegetables. Potato, fish and herb are allowed. Fasting is allowed.
Moon in Pisces Moon in Pisces
starts from 12:09 AM
Days of water. Active element is water. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is leaf. During these days the carbohydrates has its best quality, that favorably influences upon nervous system. Bread and baking are favorable. Full-bodied persons should take digestible bread or avoid flour confectionery at all.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 6, 2024
27 lunar day Symbol: Trident
starts at 5:49 AM
Take any food you like, but don’t overeat, mostly meat. Use spices preparing fat food. It is preferable to use cardamom, turmeric, clove, pepper. Avoid potato and citreous. Custard pie is favorable. If necessary start fasting. Do not drink much.
Moon in Pisces Moon in Pisces
continues from the morning
Days of water. Active element is water. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is leaf. During these days the carbohydrates has its best quality, that favorably influences upon nervous system. Bread and baking are favorable. Full-bodied persons should take digestible bread or avoid flour confectionery at all.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
April 7, 2024
28 lunar day Symbol: Lotus
starts at 6:02 AM
Use greenery with any solid food you take today. Nuts are favorable. Do not forget to drink juices, eat fruits and vegetables. Dry fasting is recommended. Avoid seeds, grains and animal food.
Moon in Aries Moon in Aries
starts from 12:24 AM
Days of warmth. Active element is fire. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is fruit. During these days the albumen has its best quality, that favorably influences upon sense organs and psychics. Fruits and albumens digest well.
Waning Moon
Waning moon releases all slags, washes away, relaxes, calls to activity and energy output. You can eat more during this time without gaining weight.
Nutrition lunar calendar for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month