Lunar calendar of dreams for August 11, 2021

August 11, 2021 Wednesday
4 lunar day
Symbol: Tree of Knowledge
Dreams this lunar day can come true, especially the ones in color. If last night you saw anything tangled, for instance, thread, hair or some confusing intersection of roads, it is advisable to analyze your existing plans, revise or even reject them. If you met your parents or relatives there, it means you need to analyze problems you might have inherited from them and start working to solve them. If you had a dream about some kind of threat - it is a warning to be extra careful and mindful about your behaviour in your actual life. The images you saw last night specify the weak points in your inner world, your spiritual self. Today you may find out where the majority of your energy is collected on the tree of good and evil. If you recognize that in your real life, accept it as a call to action.

August 12, 2021 Thursday
5 lunar day
Symbol: Unicorn
Good dreams may come true, but a disturbing dream is a warning. If you saw yourself crying in a dream, don't be afraid, today this is a good sign. If your dreams are about roads or movement it means you are doing well. If you see something unpleasant it is a sign to take care of your health. Today's dreams may show how your energy floats, how well you manage your tasks. Upon careful analysis you can determine if you're evolving or spinning in a circle.
August 13, 2021 Friday
6 lunar day
Symbol: Crane
Dreams this lunar day may come true, but only if you keep them secret. All you have dreamt can be considered a revelation of the Higher Powers. These dreams often show what needs to be completed, preferably quickly. You may see people to whom you owe a debt. Remember, dreams should be correctly interpreted and your feelings are a very important part of properly understanding any dream, especially today. Try to ask a question to the Higher Powers, be sure to write down your dream right after waking up. Carefully analyze it using intuition, because the answer can be covered in symbols. Try not to give into aggression or irritation, keep a calm mind and you'll succeed in realizing your dreams.
August 14, 2021 Saturday
7 lunar day
Symbol: Wind rose
Dreams today may yield useful information, or even be prophetic. The dreams may come true, but not soon. These dreams could hint at your life's purpose; usually they are easily understandable and clearly show your situation, tasks and goals. Pay special attention to the words you hear in your dream, today our subconscious communicates with us through the word. During 7th lunar day it's favourable to write down all of the specific words you heard in the dream, pay extra attention to those you heard from others, it may bring you insight. You might receive a revelation from the Highest Powers, maybe the Highest Image will come and call you to action with its words. If you see a gamecock be attentive to life situations. If you had a bad dream, retell it to some kind of running water and let it wash away the bad energy.

August 15, 2021 Sunday
8 lunar day
Symbol: Phoenix
This lunar day dreams point to your worthy abilities you haven't yet realized. You may see an indication of the problems from which you turned away in the past and forgot about, but they need to be solved. You may see tasks for which you have the power to solve, do not turn away from them. Try to use this power to settle the assigned tasks, not to waste the energy in vain. Dream images today show your ability for change and transformation; so, if you saw confined spaces, obstacles or dead ends, it means you are not changing. If, on the contrary, you saw open spaces, fields, mountains, sea or beautiful and bright rooms, it means you are putting in effort and heading in the right direction towards your transformation. Thus, the main function of dreams on this day is to show your current life's purpose; sometimes they are elaborate and difficult to figure out, but their message might also be obvious if you look carefully. If you make preparations before going to sleep to receive this message you'll find it easier to discover your mission. Upon waking up analyze your dream, keep in mind that life not only gives us grandiose purposes, they might seem insignificant from your point of view, but if completed they will be of great value to you.
August 16, 2021 Monday
8 lunar day
Symbol: Phoenix
This lunar day dreams point to your worthy abilities you haven't yet realized. You may see an indication of the problems from which you turned away in the past and forgot about, but they need to be solved. You may see tasks for which you have the power to solve, do not turn away from them. Try to use this power to settle the assigned tasks, not to waste the energy in vain. Dream images today show your ability for change and transformation; so, if you saw confined spaces, obstacles or dead ends, it means you are not changing. If, on the contrary, you saw open spaces, fields, mountains, sea or beautiful and bright rooms, it means you are putting in effort and heading in the right direction towards your transformation. Thus, the main function of dreams on this day is to show your current life's purpose; sometimes they are elaborate and difficult to figure out, but their message might also be obvious if you look carefully. If you make preparations before going to sleep to receive this message you'll find it easier to discover your mission. Upon waking up analyze your dream, keep in mind that life not only gives us grandiose purposes, they might seem insignificant from your point of view, but if completed they will be of great value to you.
August 17, 2021 Tuesday
9 lunar day
Symbol: Bat
Dreams this lunar day may show internal conflicts hidden within your character and subconscious. The dreams may be unpleasant, even terrible, but they are determined by your karmic issues which need to be resolved. Energy on this day is difficult, the dreams might not be easy either, but don't be afraid. Don't attach great importance to the images appearing in your dreams today. Just analyze the dream, extract useful information or throw the dream away and forget it, by saying: 'Where the night goes the dream follows'. Good dreams may come true.
Lunar calendar of dreams for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month