Housework on February 4, 2024

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The Sun in Aquarius Sunday is a day of the Sun

This day should be devoted to spiritual essence of a Human Being. Try to minimize any works and household activities.
It is a favorable time to visit a Church, to pray or to meditate, to stay in peace in the open.

24 lunar day

Waning Moon
Symbol: Shiva
starts at 02:55
One creates the new after having destroyed the old.

Housework on 24 lunar day:

The powerful energy of this lunar day will give you strength for all kinds of difficult housework. You may not only start any construction, repair or foundation but also plant a garden or do heavy seeding. If you wanna paint a fence you will never find a day better for this purpose. Don't hesitate to ask your family members for help but try not to force them. Above all maintain a peace in your home.
Moon in Sagittarius
starts from 06:23
Moon in Sagittarius
Cheerfulness and activity. Good day for contracts and filing applications.

Housework on the Moon in Sagittarius:

The moon is in Sagittarius, Fire element is active. The energy of Sagittarius can target and concentrate on a specific project in order to lead it to a successful end; so if you have something that you really want to finish, start it now and it will be done. Otherwise, on days when Sagittarius is active it is just as good to sort through old photos. You may simply take some rest, if possible delay any projects and just enjoy life. Use this period to calmly decorate the interior or even just brainstorm changes. If you really want to do any home improvements then do the work which is fit for Fire days. For example, these days all glassy surfaces are easily cleaned and polished. It is also a good moment for ironing, putting away clothes, freezing fruits and baking bread.
Waning Moon

Housework on the Waning Moon:

The time of the Waning Moon is the best period for all kinds of housework. Woolen clothes will wash easily even without chemicals. It is preferable to bring things which are made of sensitive materials such as  fur, leather or silk to the dry cleaners –  this way the fabrics will stay bright and longwearing. It is also suggested to do any repairs like plastering and painting walls. For painting use days when the Waning Moon is passing Air signs; if you have to deal with wet plastered walls better give preference to Leo days. For cleaning projects choose days of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Consequently you will notice that work itself goes way easier than usual and the results of this cleaning will last longer. Everything will get dry faster even if you used a lot of water. Use days of Water signs for laundry or other washing projects. The Waning Moon in Aquarius is perfect for transplanting house flowers. Also these days are suggested for installing new windows or another kinds of work with glass. Laying  flooring can be favorable as well, but better avoid doing that on Water days. Сalcareous coating on a kettle, iron or hard-to-get places in the shower cabin will come out easily on these days. Try to put preserving food on your to-do-list for days when the Waning Moon in Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo or Pisces. Take care of wooden items on days of Capricorn, Sagittarius, Leo and Cancer. Add more yeast to your pastries when the Moon is Waning.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business