Housework on September 29, 2023

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The Sun in Libra Friday is a day of the Venus

It is favorable time for any activities.
Venus enables creativity, romantic relationship, needs in rest and companionship.

15 lunar day

Full Moon at 10:57
Symbol: Fiery serpent
continues from the morning
Ascesis, self-discipline.

Housework on 15 lunar day:

On this Lunar day one may feel joyous and uplifted while others may become depressed. It is very important to understand your condition and plan your day accordingly. Don't do any big projects or difficult work around the house today; airing out, humidifying and burning candle and incenses will be sufficient. Thus the energy of the full moon will show you its bright side and bring with it peace and calmness for your soul. Often this exact day is the day of a Supermoon. If this is the case be extra attentive to the atmosphere at home; guard it with your inner intention and you quiet interactions with your family. Avoid painful topics with your relatives, better to keep silent and be appreciative of their individual choices. Don't give into any irritation if someone decides to show a lot of energy and activity with house chores. Observe yourself.

16 lunar day

Full Moon at 10:57
Symbol: Butterfly
starts at 18:55
Harmony and balance of mind and body.

Housework on 16 lunar day:

Energy of this day tunes you into balance and appeals to tranquility and deliberateness. This is why you shouldn't work too hard with your housework. On the 16th day it is better to avoid turmoil, commotion, tension and extra exertions. You may finally relax and just sleep in. This day is good day to make crafts for the home: embroidery, drawing or creating an ikebana. It is also suggested to work in the flower garden, rearranging your clothes and searching for jewelry for certain outfits. Nature and its sounds are very beneficial today, they bring peace and restfulness after the full moon day and give you enough energy to move on to the next day.
Moon in Aries
starts from 01:17
Moon in Aries
Vitality and vigour. Avoid hurry and irritation today.

Housework on the Moon in Aries:

The Moon is in Aries, Fire element is active. The fire nature of Aries gives impulse to the beginning of either new or delayed projects. It is advisable on these days to plan house projects or gather ideas for improving your living conditions. It's a good period for sharpening knives and scissors, changing light bulbs or fixing mechanical appliances. During this period window glass and all glassy surfaces are easy to clean and polish. It's advantageous to ventilate the house with windows opened wide. Even at wintertime do not hesitate to air out properly, the warmth won't be blown out of the house. Fresh air will magnify positive energy and you will succeed in all endeavours. It is a good time for ironing or putting away clothes; for example, when spring comes and you don't need your winter clothes anymore use these days to store them. Fabrics which were put away on Aries days will never get tangled, damp or moldy and stay fresh and clean. Days of Fire are not favourable for doing dishes, moreover it is not worth washing any porcelain or crystal. This period is advisable for freezing fruits or canning food, baking bread and pies is also auspicious.
Full Moon

Housework on the Full Moon:

The Full Moon period which takes five days: two days before, the actual Full Moon day and two days after – might be difficult and energy-consuming for some people. Every person can try and feel what kind of work is preferable and appropriate for them during this critical period. It is advisable to choose activities which won’t cause any annoyance or displeasure to oneself. If you feel like you want to clear your living space of things you no longer need, the Full Moon will give you the necessary support.   Light cleaning and maintaining the harmony of your house are the best goals for this period. All kinds of decorating, interior design and creative projects will bring blessing to your living space. Don’t plan big projects like repairing, plastering walls, installing new windows, rearranging furniture or even “spring cleaning”; better delay all heavy work to a more favorable period. Concentrate all your being on maintaining quiet emotional background in your house: you may light candles and incense or fill your space with pacifying sounds. Therefore the Full Moon will create feelings of joy and celebration in your soul, and harmony will enter your home.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business