Lunar day on October 29, 2020

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October 29, Thursday
Sunrise at 6:48 AM Sunset at 4:39 PM
The Sun in Scorpio Thursday is a day of the Jupiter

It is a favorable day for carrying out important arrangement, purchases and dealing, financial business, to appeal to authorities.
This is a day of praying, calling to the Divine and making charity.

13 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Wheel
continues from the morning
Wheel rotates, movement continues.
This is a good day for group work, acquiring new information and initiating new training cycles. Use today for accumulation, acquisition and making of household items; baking bread is suggested.


Pancreas and hara (energy center) are active. Filling up on food is recommended. Energy and blood circulation is increased. Procedures for body rejuvenation are recommended. It is possible to clean the liver.


It is favorable to take seafood and experiment with food. Digestion of solid grain porridge is very good. Vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable as usually. Bake and take bread.

14 lunar day

Symbol: Two pipes
starts at 4:23 PM
Trumpet calls to start matters of great importance.
This day brings fortune for new beginnings. Projects started on this day will succeed on their own. Today has a strong connection to the usage of informational sources.


Intestines are active. It is better not to drink a lot of fluids; dry fasting is also favorable. Stomach and intestinal cleaning are useful. Physical exercises will be helpful. Take care of your vision.


Freshly prepared food plays an important role today. burnt-almond is the favorite p. Salt products are allowable. Do not take sweet and bittersweet food. Drink less water.

Moon in Aries

continues from the morning
Vitality and vigour. Avoid hurry and irritation today.
Physical exercises and proper hydration are suggested. Minimize chocolate, coffee & sugar.

The active organs of the body:

Head, eyes, brain, sensory organs.


Days of warmth. Active element is fire. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is fruit. During these days the albumen has its best quality, that favorably influences upon sense organs and psychics. Fruits and albumens digest well.


During Aries days it is better to abstain from a haircut or hair dyeing. If you're planning to make a facial mask use only natural products, any chemical agents may cause a bad influence to your immune system. When the Moon is waning any kinds of depilation or facial cleansing procedures will be successful. This period is considered neutral for manicure.


The Moon in Aries increases the opposite sex interest. Men are ready to prove their masculinity. Women become true Amazons. The best time for declaration of love.
The Moon in Aries favors new, fast and outstanding acquaintances and short but torrid love affairs.
During this time everyone around you is tuned on short and torrid love affairs. Family and long-standing relations are not popular. Keep self confidence. Private interests are in priority. But respect the interests of the others.

Moon aspects with planets

Moon conjunct Mars

Housework today

The Energy of this day has a dualistic character. The first half of it is especially difficult and demands of us some effort in order to maintain inner balance. Therefore if starting any projects measure carefully their level of importance. If you can't delay a project, use all possible love and care while completing it, and whatever you do don't rush...
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Meditations for today

Subjects for meditation: Wheel, swastika (clockwise).

The 13th lunar day is the day of energy renewal and cleansing of old mental blockages. You may notice, that some situations are repeated in your life. To change these patterns and renew your life, you may run the "Renewal Wheel" today...
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Dreams on 13 lunar day

The energy of this lunar day shows, if you are spinning in a circle, shooting yourself in the foot, or if something is changing and you are moving up the spiral staircase. Dreams hold the key to the door, which hides things we don't want to change or are difficult to overcome...
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Advice for beauty:

haircut is not recommended today
today is a neutral day for the hair coloring
today is a neutral day for the manicure
epilation is not recommended today
skin cleansing is not recommended today
today is a neutral day for the nail care
Haircut lunar calendar
Hair coloring lunar calendar
Nutrition lunar calendar

Read also:
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for year 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business