Astrological forecast for September 2024

Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus from September 2

During the period of retrograde Uranus, it is good to come back to the matters related to various innovations.

It is a good time to come back to innovations that were abandoned and fix electrical appliances. Also, we can come back to a hobby that is associated with something unusual.

This is not a good period for buying new gadgets or starting something radically new. Changes to the already existing projects are welcome.

It is advisable to exclude the use of some new technologies during this period. It would be better to adjust and improve previously used technologies.

We ought to be more careful with electricity and when using electrical appliances.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 3, 2024

The New Moon in Virgo disposes us towards finding a meaning in daily life.

This is the time when we can reassess our affairs and get rid of meaningless fuss.

The energy of this New Moon is rather complicated.

This New Moon occurs on the threshold of the upcoming Series of Eclipses and is a transition point from summer rest to work routine.

The planets create some tension and increase the tendency to become less disciplined, which may negatively affect our daily routine and prevent us from following our plans.

We may need to make efforts and try to put our words into action.

When planning on this New Moon, we should focus on the distribution of money in different areas of our lives.

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Mars enters the sign of Cancer on September 4

Mars in Cancer decreases our activity and initiative.

During the period of such a Mars, laziness and apathy may appear. Simple things can be more difficult to do.

During the influence of such a Mars, it is good to do household chores and spend time with children.

Our sentimentality, impulsiveness, and vulnerability may increase at this time.

Mars in Cancer increases our indecisiveness and brings caution.

At this time, it is not advisable to charge ourselves with burdening duties and important tasks. It is also worth delaying the start of fundamentally new affairs.

Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on September 9

With such a position of Mercury, it is good to start new education, enrol in new courses, share experience, and conduct an audit.

This is a good time for psychological analysis, summarising, allocating money, creating contracts with clear terms, signing important documents, and performing routine paperwork.

This is a good time for buying and selling stationery, books, and textbooks.

Mercury in Virgo is good for short leisure and business trips.

Venus trine Jupiter from September 9 to 21

With such a position of the planets, we may have a chance to present ourselves in the best light.

We can create a beautiful and noble image and present ourselves to our acquaintances.

Such an aspect may result in a special pleasure that comes from attending concerts, visiting museums or exhibitions, or buying jewellery and elite and high-end items, especially if they are related to art or beauty.

The harmonious interaction of Venus and Jupiter helps to address legal matters diplomatically and amicably.

By presenting ourselves correctly, we can get the support of wealthy and important people.

The Sun trine Uranus from September 11 to 29

Such an interaction of the planets contributes to the solution of legal matters, which we started in the summer, online.

This is a good time for business correspondence and for sending CVs to the companies of interest one more time.

It would also be beneficial to take a new step in promoting our website if it exists.

During this period, we can present ourselves from a new perspective and find non-standard solutions in already-known areas.

Mercury opposite Saturn from September 15 to 22

Such a position of the planets may disrupt plans and agreements.

Unforeseen delays and late arrivals may appear.

Documents that are not submitted on time may slow down important matters.

We need to be more attentive when dealing with documents, money, and during trips at this time.

Financial hardships may arise and access to funds can be limited.

Complications when communicating with higher-ups, starting at a new position, or addressing administrative matters may appear.

The Full Moon and Eclipse on September 18, 2024

This Full Moon will be marked by a partial lunar eclipse.

At the peak of the Full Moon, the Moon will be in Pisces, and the Sun will be in Virgo.

This Full Moon sets us on the task of recognising the necessary and unnecessary affairs.

Some of our familiar affairs or the way we conduct them will need to be left in the past.

The energy of this Full Moon brings some disharmony into our inner and outer worlds.

Disruption of focus and attention is possible.

It is advisable to act consistently at this time, to do previously started things according to the plan, complete them, and summarise.

The Series of Eclipses from September 18 to October 2024

This series of eclipses will take place between the lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024, and the solar eclipse on October 2, 2024.

Both of these eclipses are not total, so they will have a partial influence.

The solar eclipse will take place on the Cardinal Cross and carries the energy of fundamental changes in interpersonal relationships and solving issues in partnership, love, and marriage.

The main thing that these eclipses may teach us is the ability to move carefully to decisive action.

The Sun enters the sign of Libra on September 22

The Sun in Libra disposes us to be tactful, diplomatic, and find a compromise.

With such a Sun, it is good to address the matters related to law, authorities, and personal relationships.

It is advisable to devote attention to art and creativity, attend social events and concerts, and visit museums.

At this time, we need to develop a sense of taste and moral and cultural values.

The Autumnal Equinox on September 22, 2024

On the day of the Autumnal Equinox, we embrace a new stage in life, which is aimed at immersing ourselves in internal processes.

This is the time of storing up and preparing for the long winter, both externally and internally.

This year, the energy of the Autumnal Equinox takes us through creativity, art, beauty, inner balance, harmony, and tact.

On the day of the Autumnal Equinox, it is recommended to be in nature, communicate with loved ones, and interact with the elements.

This is a good time for establishing contact with solar energy, greeting the Sun, and being filled with joy and inspiration.

On this day, we should not make false promises to ourselves and fall under the influence of false ideas.

It is advisable to direct the energy arriving to us on this day to creative inspiration.

Mercury opposite Neptune from September 22 to 29

With such a position of the planets, we need to be more attentive to finances and documents.

Our focus and attentiveness will decrease at this time. We may indulge in fantasies and daydream.

We need to be especially careful when driving or travelling during this period.

The likelihood of deception and false information increases at this time.

Venus enters the sign of Scorpio on September 23

Venus in Scorpio intensifies our passion, adventurism, the desire for fleeting meetings, and jealousy. It also contributes to excessive drama in our feelings.

At this time, the desire to present ourselves more defiantly may increase. Determination increases and feelings become sharper.

With such a Venus, it is good to exercise, buy sports goods, and increase physical activity.

Mercury enters the sign of Libra on September 26

Such a Mercury helps in negotiations and important meetings. It gives us eloquence and contributes to moderation in our speech.

This is a good time for such activities as writing, negotiating, and finding the right words to convince others.

This is a good time to study the laws, address matters related to administrative authority, and contact lawyers.

With such a Mercury, it is easier to amicably resolve issues in partnerships and personal relationships.

During this period, it is good to allocate money for beauty, art, and interior items.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Lunar calendar for year 2024