New Moon on September 3, 2024

The New Moon will occur on September 3, 2024, at 1:55 A.M. UTC.

The Moon and the Sun will be both in the sign of Virgo during this New Moon.

The new lunar month will last until October 2, 2o24.

The main meanings of this New Moon

The New Moon in Virgo disposes us towards finding a meaning in daily life.

This is the time when we can reassess our affairs and get rid of meaningless fuss.

During this period, it is important to think about what really matters to us and what is done out of habit and holds no significance to us.

Whatever we are doing and no matter how difficult it may seem, we need to learn to proceed with a sense of purpose, love, and patience.

On this New Moon, we learn to remove the mechanical approach to our lives, which shapes our routine.

The energy of this New Moon

The energy of this New Moon is rather complicated.

This New Moon occurs on the threshold of the upcoming Series of Eclipses and is a transition point from summer rest to work routine.

At this time, we need to switch to a new mode: send children to school and get used to being back to work.

The planets create some tension and increase the tendency to become less disciplined, which may negatively affect our daily routine and prevent us from following our plans.

We may need to make efforts and try to put our words into action.

If we take responsibility for our words, our authority will only strengthen. Otherwise, we will be losing it.

On this New Moon, we need to be more patient first of all with ourselves and with the emerging obligations.

At this time, we need to be more attentive to the information that we absorb, especially on the Internet.

We should be attentive to documents, when making a purchase, transferring money, and during leisure and business trips.

We ought to use the electric appliances with care.

It is advisable to double-check all financial transactions and documents submitted online.

We should not be impulsive when making decisions or passing messages.

We have to be more attentive when it comes to our desires and likes.

During this New Moon, there may be a distorted perception. We may inadvertently waste money or enter unsuitable relationships.

This is not a good time to address matters related to the beauty sphere, alterations to our appearance, choosing a partner, making investments, or buying beauty or interior goods.

In this area, we can only intuitively understand what we really need, otherwise, there will be a risk of falling under false ideas, temptations, and deception.

The representatives of the signs of Virgo, Libra, Pisces, Gemini, Taurus, and Leo will be the most sensitive to the energies of this New Moon.

Planning during this New Moon

When planning on this New Moon, we should focus on the distribution of money in different areas of our lives.

We need to analyse our expenses and do a personal finance audit.

It is good to plan daily activities, studies, household chores, charitable donations, and helping others.

It is advisable to analyse the areas of personal beauty and education and find out what we purposelessly waste money on and what area needs better financing.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Lunar calendar for Year 2024