Lunar calendar of meditation for November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023 Tuesday
9 lunar day
Symbol: Bat
Meditations: White light, mental purification, forgiveness, formation of astral protection, breaking curses.
The 9th lunar day is one of the most complicated, so abstain from meditation and visualization practices. Try not to fall for any provocations. Training: Tuning into the white light. If you choose not to meditate this day, use the below-mentioned practices on the other suitable days. During the morning meditation imagine white light and observe it for some time. When you calm down, open your eyes and do your usual activities. Wherever you are today, use every possibility to visualize the white light and concentrate on its quietness. In the evening clean your home with incense, bells or a singing bowl.
During the 9th lunar day the Anahata chakra and chest are active.
November 22, 2023 Wednesday
10 lunar day
Symbol: Fountain
Meditations: Working with your family line.
Meeting with family. This day is favorable for working with the family line. You may have dinner with your relatives or appeal to ancestors during your meditation. Each family line has certain ancestors, who help and protect you; ask for their wisdom. Training: Getting help from ancestors. Prepare for meditation. Calm down, imagine your family line standing behind you (your parents first and then further into the past). At the very beginning you will see strong and powerful people; turn to them, greet them kindly and wait for their actions. They smile to you, sending a flow of love, peace, joy, wisdom and welfare. See how this flux of energy penetrates through all your family line and reaches you and your family. Feel the power of this energy and store it in your field. You are under their safe protection. Forward this energy to all living family members, let it fill them. Look to those, who have passed away and fill them with the wisdom of the eldest. See how all negative energy is melting away and doesn't influence you or your family. This pure light of your ancestors highlights your future, feel confidence and protection. Fix the achieved state of your mind and then slowly open your eyes.
During the 10th lunar day the Svadhisthana chakra is active.
November 23, 2023 Thursday
11 lunar day
Symbol: Kundalini
Meditations: Fire, concentrate on your internal body processes.
Today is a good day for ascesis and solitude. Try to devote this day to meditation, fasting, clearing the mind. If you can't be alone, just remember that all processes which you start should be finished, unless you are fasting. Especially make sure to accomplish all cleaning procedures. It is good to meditate and work with all chakras rising up the Kundalini. Internal fire and latent energy are awaken.
During the 11th lunar day the Kundalini and bottom of the spine are active.
November 24, 2023 Friday
12 lunar day
Symbol: Heart
Meditations: Water, heart.
Try to find a place near the water (river, sea, lake, fountain). If the water is calm, imagine your emotions are calming down, merge with this tranquility, imagine yourself as the water. When ripples occur and fade, observe how your emotions fade as well, and how you are filling with peace. Accept the wisdom, which water brings you today. If you are near the river, hear the answers from the running water and release all anxiety. If there's no water around you, simply listen to recorded sounds of water. Lay down, relax, picture yourself on a beach, listening to the sounds of the sea. The sea calms you, the water carrying away all the troubles, sadness and worry. You are falling deep into your essence and you receive peace, calm and harmony. Sunlight fills your body, you're starting to shine and swell with happiness. Holding this feeling, slowly come back to the present moment, open your eyes and stretch your body. Also, it's favorable to perform meditation for the heart. The heart is not only a center of love and feelings, but has healing features as well.
During the12th lunar day the Anahata chakra and heart are active.
November 25, 2023 Saturday
13 lunar day
Symbol: Wheel
Meditations: Wheel, swastika (clockwise).
The 13th lunar day is the day of energy renewal and cleansing of old mental blockages. You may notice, that some situations are repeated in your life. To change these patterns and renew your life, you may run the "Renewal Wheel" today.
During the 13th lunar day the Hara chakra (two fingers below omphalos) and pancreas are active.
November 26, 2023 Sunday
13 lunar day
Symbol: Wheel
Meditations: Wheel, swastika (clockwise).
The 13th lunar day is the day of energy renewal and cleansing of old mental blockages. You may notice, that some situations are repeated in your life. To change these patterns and renew your life, you may run the "Renewal Wheel" today.
During the 13th lunar day the Hara chakra (two fingers below omphalos) and pancreas are active.
November 27, 2023 Monday
14 lunar day
Symbol: Two pipes
Meditations: Chanting mantras and sacred sounds.
Meditate on "OM" and "AUM" sounds. Try to sing it by yourself, or you may use a recording. This day is favorable for starting any cycle of mantras or 40-days practices. On the 14th lunar day the Moon gets to its maximum power, so women have the best chance to perform rejuvenation procedures.
During the 14th lunar day the Manipura chakra is active.
Lunar calendar of meditaion for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month