Lunar calendar of meditation for May 6, 2021

May 6, 2021 Thursday
25 lunar day
Symbol: Turtle
Meditations: Determination for your mission, awareness of ideals, contact with your Guardian-Angel.
Today, while dreaming, you may have a dialogue with your Guardian-Angel and ask the Merciful Powers to define your mission in this life. Before going to sleep prepare yourself for this conversation with the following Christian prayer(1) or mantra(2): 1)Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. 2)Om Mahadevaya Namah (read from 9 to 108 times).

May 7, 2021 Friday
26 lunar day
Symbol: Swamp
Meditations: Silence, supraliminal observation.
If possible, spend this day in silence and solitude. Practice vipassana or "awareness in action". You may also practice observing your breath. Either sit on your heels or in the half-lotus and prepare for meditation. Concentrate on the tip of your nose and monitor your breathing for 30 minutes or 1 hour. On the 26th lunar day we may contact our Inner Teacher.
During the 26th lunar day the Kundalini chakra is active.
May 8, 2021 Saturday
27 lunar day
Symbol: Trident
Meditations: Gaining secret knowledge, spiritual music, praying for others.
Try to only listen to peaceful music, use incense and candles, let the vibration of a singing bowl or bell clean your room and inner space. You may chant your favorite mantras and prayers or listen to the "OM" mantra. The most important thing today is to open the informational channel, which may give you insights. The energy of this day may allow you to figure out how to solve your problems and see the real identity of people or situations. Prayers for other people are favorable today. You may use Christian prayers or practice the Buddhist meditation called "Loving kindness" (Metta Bhavana).
During the 27th lunar day the Muladhara and the Vishuddha chakras are active.
May 9, 2021 Sunday
28 lunar day
Symbol: Lotus
Meditations: Ideals, candle.
This is a favorable day to work with chakras, because they are open. We must be clean physically, emotionally and mentally before working with our chakras, therefore all kinds of cleansing practices for the body and mind are recommended today. The 28th lunar day is also favorable for working with dreams. While dreaming one may receive spiritual insight and understand their life's purpose. This process happens each lunar month, regardless of whether we recognize it or not. In order to work with dreams we have to be aware that we are dreaming. However, we can not actually operate consciously while dreaming; usually, when we try to interfere, the dream stops and we wake up. To gain control over your dreams as a beginner, try to look at your hands right before going to sleep; once you realize you are dreaming, bring back the image of your palms in front of you.
During the 28th lunar day the Muladhara chakra is active.

May 10, 2021 Monday
29 lunar day
Symbol: Hydra
Meditations: Purification of the home and food.
Transformation of negative thoughts. If the Moon is not in Water Signs, cold salt water procedures for the feet are recommended. Take this foot bath for no longer than 10 minutes. It will cleanse you of all negative energy. If you continue the procedure any further, positive energy might flow away as well. This may also free you from malefice. Make sure to maintain a comfortable water temperature. During the entire procedure imagine that all negativity is washed away by the water. If you feel bad today, hold a candle in your left hand; the candle must burn down to the bottom, don't blow it out. You may cut it to the proper length in advance. Extinguish the flame with your right hand's fingers. Today, cleansing the house is recommended; use incense, shelf fungus, ledum or juniper. Create enough smoke in order to drive the evil energy out.
During the 29th lunar day the Muladhara chakra is active.
May 11, 2021 Tuesday
1 lunar day
Symbol: Candle
Meditations: Visualization, planning for the upcoming lunar month, candlelight concentration, purification with fire.
This day is favorable for fire purifications, mostly when the Moon is in Air Sign. All fears and obsessions will be burnt. Sit by the open fire or concentrate on a candle flame for about 10-15 minutes. When time is up, slowly close your eyes and relax for another 5 minutes. Afterward, you may start planning for the upcoming lunar month.
During the 1st lunar day the Third Eye (an area between eyebrows) is active.
May 12, 2021 Wednesday
2 lunar day
Symbol: Horn of plenty
Meditations: Observe what is favorable for you now and what is not.
Continue planning for the upcoming lunar period. You may continue planning for the upcoming lunar month on the 2nd lunar day. The energy center connected to this day is the philtrum (the area between nose and upper lip). During the day concentrate your attention on this point a few times for at least a minute. The 2nd lunar day practice: Find a calm and peaceful place, create a comfortable atmosphere. Sit in a comfortable position, concentrate on your breath, relax your mind and body. Place your hands on your belly and concentrate all your attention to this region. Try to evoke images, for example, you may visualize a favorite food and feel the reaction from your stomach: if you feel pleased - eat it, if not - abstain from eating it. You may imagine situations or certain people and try to feel, what energy they transmit to you at this moment. After meditation summarize the information and decide what you'd like to change during the upcoming lunar month.
Lunar calendar of meditaion for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month