Astrological forecast for July 2024

Mercury is in opposition to Pluto from 1 July until July 7

With such interaction of these two planets, heavy information influence and electronic equipment failures are possible.

During this period, it is not advised to be in large crowds. If possible, important talks and speeches should be rescheduled.

We need to be especially careful when transferring large sums of money.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo on July 2

Mercury in Leo adds brightness to our speech. It can enhance subjectivity and the need to talk about ourselves.

At this time, there may be a desire to express ourselves more vividly using words.

This is a good position for practising acting, developing oratory skills, performing in front of an audience, and organising parties and festivities.

This is a good time to engage in any kind of creativity that is associated with the word.

With such a Mercury, we need to be attentive to our expenses, trips, and documents.

Neptune goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces on July 3

When in the sign of Pisces, Neptune gets a strong position, which allows him to enhance our creativity, receptivity, delicacy, and introspection.

When retrograde, Neptune creates an even bigger focus on our internal processes, strengthens our fantasies, increases daydreaming, and reduces our focus on the outside world.

The number of mysteries may increase, research processes may deepen, and creative intuition may enhance.

At this time, it is important to get a good night s sleep and pay attention to our dreams.

The conjunction of Mars and Uranus from July 5 until July 26

The conjunction of Mars and Uranus makes us more active and unpredictable.

At this time, we may experience the desire to move freely and at a fast speed. That s why we should be especially careful when driving.

Also, we should be careful during any type of activity and when dealing with electricity and electronic and mechanical devices.

Unexpectedly unpleasant situations are possible.

Be careful with fire and avoid bright sunlight and heavy physical exertion.

The New Moon in Cancer is on July 5, 2024

On this New Moon, we will be able to see a lot of affairs that have accumulated in different areas of our lives.

At this time, we can also think about our emotions and see where and why they have accumulated.

This New Moon has a positive vibe, helping us solve various tasks.

It is good to create a new look, put things in order, make food supplies, take care of children, and get out with them into nature.

During this New Moon, there may be unexpected surprises and unpredictable events.

We need to be careful when travelling, especially when driving and using mechanical or electrical devices.

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Venus in opposition to Pluto from July 7 to July 18

In this position, jealousy and the desire to manipulate and dominate a partner may increase.

Feelings may become more sensitive, and it may become more difficult to express them.

At this time, we should not sort things out, put pressure on our loved ones, or demand love from them.

It is not advised to spend large sums of money, especially as compensation.

We need to rely on self-discipline, empathy, and the ability to listen to our intuition and try to figure out the best situation to direct our feelings.

Venus enters the sign of Leo on July 11

In Leo, Venus will orient us towards creating eye-catching looks.

Such a Venus can bring an influx of joy, energy, and excitement, especially for women.

It can provoke and enhance the fieriness in the way we show our worth and self-expression.

This is a good position for creative people, actors, and those who need to perform in public and win over an audience.

This is a time for vividly showing our worth, beauty, and talent.

The Sun is in opposition to Pluto from July 14 until August 2

Such a position of two planets increases our tendency to take risks and awakens the desire to go against the crowd and act out of spite.

During the period of such interaction of the planets, we need to be more attentive in large gatherings of people, not to provoke anyone, and not oppose the majority.

At this time, inner pressure can lead to self-destruction.

It is advisable to direct the energy of the planets to creativity or the inner reinterpretation of our personality.

Mars enters the sign of Gemini on July 20

Mars in Gemini promotes faster absorption and processing of information.

With such a Mars, it is easier to make rash and impulsive decisions.

At this time, the number of movements and trips increases. There will be more fuss.

There may be a desire to press through using speech. Harsh statements are likely.

This is a good time to communicate, share experiences, debate, and even argue but with a friendly vibe.

Also, at this time, we can quickly do something that we have been thinking to do for a long time, but could not make up our minds to go through with it.

This is a time when it is possible and necessary to quickly resolve matters related to commerce and act quickly.

The Full Moon is on July 21, 2024

On this Full Moon, the Sun will be in Cancer and the Moon will be in Capricorn.

The Full Moon will take place on the cusp of two signs, securing the changes that occurred during the New Moon.

On this Full Moon, it is advisable to reorient ourselves from earthy affairs to individual internal processes.

We need to pay attention to the situations in which we take on too many obligations and thereby lose ourselves.

This Full Moon can provoke heated arguments, debates, harsh statements, and a desire to break free.

At this time, there may be unexpected situations during leisure or business trips and when addressing matters with documents.

This is a period when the need to unshakably stand our ground and go against the world may increase.

At this time, we need to rely on clear activities according to a pre-made plan.

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The Sun enters the sign of Leo on July 22

The Sun in Leo enhances the flow of vital energy, cheerfulness, and creative energy.

At this time, it is good to show our leadership qualities and express ourselves in public.

It is beneficial to demonstrate our potential through initiative and creativity.

There will be a lot of solar energy during this period, and people with poor health need to take care of themselves.

Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on July 25

Mercury in Virgo has a strong position, which adds strength to our mind and mental activity.

This is a great time to learn, work with information, systematise our knowledge, share experiences, establish new contacts, and create a customer base.

This is a good time for budget allocation, money redistribution, and conducting financial and accounting audits.

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