New Moon on July 5, 2024

The New Moon will occur on July 5 at 10:57 P.M. UTC.

At this time, the Moon and the Sun will be in the sign of Cancer.

The new lunar month will last until August 4.

The main meanings of this New Moon

On this New Moon, we will be able to see a lot of affairs that have accumulated in different areas of our lives.

We can stock up on the strength and energy to work with those areas where we have extras.

This New Moon helps us tune in to work not only with circumstances, but also address the matters related to our weight, health, household chores, and work duties.

At this time, we can also think about our emotions and see where and why they have accumulated.

The energy of this New Moon

This New Moon will dispose us towards matters related to our family and kin.

It will enhance our sentimentality and sensitivity. It will also increase our sensitivity, intuition, and sense of beauty.

The energy of this New Moon will bring softness, joy, and sensitivity.

The new Moon prepares us for subtle perception, increases our empathy, and gives warmth to our feelings.

At this time, it is easy to capture the feelings and emotions of other people and sense them on a subtle level.

This New Moon has a positive vibe, helping us solve various tasks.

There will be an opportunity to address the matters related to home and household in a systematic and organised manner.

It is good to create a new look, put things in order, make food supplies, take care of children, and get out with them into nature.

During this New Moon, there may be unexpected surprises and unpredictable events.

We need to be careful when travelling, especially when driving and using mechanical or electrical devices.

When going on the road, it is advisable to prepare well and make the necessary supplies to feel better in case of traffic jams.

It is important to pay special attention to documents and expenses.

When addressing matters related to large and important commercial affairs, we also need to be more careful.

It is undesirable to exert pressure and manipulate others through speech at this time.

This time is favourable for writing and working with documents, but it s important not to overdo it.

Representatives of the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, Leo, and Aquarius will be the most sensitive to the energies of this New Moon.

This period will be the most stressful for those who were born at the beginning of the signs of Leo and Aquarius and for people born at the end of the sign of Capricorn.

Planning during this New Moon

This New Moon is good for planning things to do related to home, children, travelling, and finances.

When planning, we need to rely on our intuition and the distribution of things to do according to their importance.

It is good to review what we have planned to do and the goals we have set.

It is necessary to act depending on the circumstances and set tasks that take center stage.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Lunar calendar for Year 2024