Full Moon on July 21, 2024

The Full Moon will occur on July 21 at 10:16 A.M. UTC.

On this Full Moon, the Sun will be in Cancer and the Moon will be in Capricorn.

The Full Moon will take place on the cusp of two signs, securing the changes that occurred during the New Moon.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

On this Full Moon, it is advisable to reorient ourselves from earthy affairs to individual internal processes.

We need to pay attention to the situations in which we take on too many obligations and thereby lose ourselves.

This is a good opportunity to determine the point of transition from mass consciousness to our own individual consciousness and from being ordinary to becoming unique.

The energy of this Full Moon

This Full Moon carries a complex emotional energy.

At this time, harsh remarks and hasty statements should be avoided.

This Full Moon can provoke heated arguments, debates, harsh statements, and a desire to break free.

At this time, there may be unexpected situations during leisure or business trips and when addressing matters with documents.

This is a period when the need to unshakably stand our ground and go against the world may increase.

At this time, we need to rely on clear activities according to a pre-made plan.

Creativity, intuition, initiative, and the ability to become a leader in time will help.

We can safely demonstrate our originality and creativity.

We need to focus on the ability to find solutions in unusual and unexpected situations.

It is especially important to observe safety rules when working with equipment or driving.

It is necessary to closely track our expenses, documents, and financial transactions.

The most sensitive to the energies of this Full Moon will be those who were born under the signs of Leo, Pisces, and Gemini and people born at the beginning of Aquarius and at the end of Cancer, Capricorn, and Taurus.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from July 19 to July 23.

It is not recommended to be in large crowds during this Full Moon.

Although the period of this Full Moon provides many opportunities for conflict resolution, it can still cause tension, a desire to speak out against others, and confront and oppose other people.

This is a time not only for debates and discussions but also for harsh and aggressive statements when an unexpectedly ill-natured remark can lead to a seemingly unexpected conflict.

The ability to pull ourselves together and stop before it s too late will be very useful during this period.

It is beneficial to be active, take the initiative, and take matters into our own hands during this period.

Lunar calendar on Today
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Lunar calendar for Year 2024