Housework on April 8, 2024

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The Sun in Aries Monday is a day of the Moon

This is a period of female energy, emotional-sensuous sphere, creative vitality, and subconsciousness activation.
It is recommended to spend time with a family and kids. It is favorable to keep company with lady friends for women.
This day is favorable for making domestic purchases, planning, and household tasks.

29 lunar day

Symbol: Hydra
starts at 06:15
Clean yourself and your house, and keep clean.

Housework on 29 lunar day:

This lunar day is appropriate for the final housecleaning of the current lunar month. Give a preference to energy cleansing within your living spaces. Use whatever suits you: candle, mantra, prayer or sacred sounds. Better to prepare your house for this procedure in advance. Try to spread your housework energy throughout the lunar month, don't put off everything until the last day! While cleaning your house keep this thought in your mind: "Cleaning my physical spaces is cleansing of my spiritual spaces". You may feel like it's better to do so much but there is no need to. Save your energy on days of Hecate, it is at its lowest point. Try not to tire yourself. Before this lunar day the majority of your projects should be done. It's favorable to spend this day alone and dedicate it to creativity and summarizing the passing lunar month. Good results are bound to follow.

1 lunar day

New Moon at 19:20
Symbol: Candle
starts at 19:20
This is a day of creative projects planning.

Housework on 1 lunar day:

When starting any household projects on this lunar day consider that the physical energy of humans is at its minimum and rebooting; this is why it isn't worth starting any big tasks. Today only light cleaning is acceptable. Direct your energy toward creating a more pleasant atmosphere; one of calmness, harmony and placidity. You may fill your house with the sounds of calm music and light candles, oil lamps or aroma lamps; today's best aroma oils are mint, magnolia, salvia, lotus, sage or sandalwood. If using an oil lamp it is advisable to keep it burning the entire night. It will be of benefit to bring a new decoration into the interior of your house, this should serve as a symbol with which to begin each new lunar month. On this lunar day you may plan the sequence of your household projects for the next lunar cycle. Today it is better not to start repairing or rearranging, moving to a new house or apartment is also inadvisable at this time. You may do small projects; for example folding and ironing laundry or packing away winter clothes. If you are used to mopping everyday, use a barely wet mop and don't exert any extra effort. Reserve your physical power. Today the energy fields of your mind and creativity are especially active. Better to spend more time in nature, take a seat next to the river or in the park and try to feel a kind of rebirth.
Moon in Aries
continues from the morning
Moon in Aries
Vitality and vigour. Avoid hurry and irritation today.

Housework on the Moon in Aries:

The Moon is in Aries, Fire element is active. The fire nature of Aries gives impulse to the beginning of either new or delayed projects. It is advisable on these days to plan house projects or gather ideas for improving your living conditions. It's a good period for sharpening knives and scissors, changing light bulbs or fixing mechanical appliances. During this period window glass and all glassy surfaces are easy to clean and polish. It's advantageous to ventilate the house with windows opened wide. Even at wintertime do not hesitate to air out properly, the warmth won't be blown out of the house. Fresh air will magnify positive energy and you will succeed in all endeavours. It is a good time for ironing or putting away clothes; for example, when spring comes and you don't need your winter clothes anymore use these days to store them. Fabrics which were put away on Aries days will never get tangled, damp or moldy and stay fresh and clean. Days of Fire are not favourable for doing dishes, moreover it is not worth washing any porcelain or crystal. This period is advisable for freezing fruits or canning food, baking bread and pies is also auspicious.
New Moon

Housework on the New Moon:

Before you start new housework follow this simple rule:  during the period of the New Moon avoid any physical work in the house or garden. This day supports your mental activity will give you energy for all types of planning. While creating the plan for your housework take into consideration the Moon phases, its location in the Zodiac signs and the recommended activities for each Lunar day. Even if you built this schedule according to these guidelines, always listen to your intuition, be guided by your own feelings and get creative!

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