Lunar day on September 11, 2019

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September 11, Wednesday
Sunrise at 6:28 AM Sunset at 7:26 PM
The Sun in Virgo Wednesday is a day of the Mercury

It is favorable time for intellectual activities, negotiations, correspondence, accounting and planning.
It is good to learn something new.
Moon void of course from 5:22 AM

12 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Heart
continues from the morning
Love can open heart.
Feelings of love, compassion and charity are especially active today. It is favorable to pray and clear your thoughts. It is possible to achieve a revelation. This is a day for contacts with people, and an ideal one for marriage. Beware of all forms of pity today.


Lend your ear to the heart. This is a day for cleaning upper airways, heart, lungs and liver. Stay hydrated.


Drink much today. It is favorable to drink cough out tea to clean lungs. Eat fruit juices (except apple juice), nuts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils. Avoid roughage, eggs, fish and meat. Alcohol and nicotine should be completely excluded. Perform juice therapy.

13 lunar day

Symbol: Wheel
starts at 6:52 PM
Wheel rotates, movement continues.
This is a good day for group work, acquiring new information and initiating new training cycles. Use today for accumulation, acquisition and making of household items; baking bread is suggested.


Pancreas and hara (energy center) are active. Filling up on food is recommended. Energy and blood circulation is increased. Procedures for body rejuvenation are recommended. It is possible to clean the liver.


It is favorable to take seafood and experiment with food. Digestion of solid grain porridge is very good. Vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable as usually. Bake and take bread.

Moon in Aquarius

continues from the morning
There's a keen interest in everything unknown; flashes of inspiration may come.
A fortunate day for meetings and conferences. Undesirable time to visit bureaucratic offices. Take care of your legs.

The active organs of the body:

Shins, ankles, vein, excretory system.


Days of light. Active element is air. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is flower. During these days the fat has its best quality, that favorably influences upon glands. If you have endocrine system problem look what you want to eat. Probably not all of them are healthful for you. Change your food ration.


This is not a suitable time for a haircut or any facial procedures including peeling or doing masks. However this period is favourable for dyeing hair and nail care.


A favorable period for making friends and flirtation.
Perform originality and friendliness if you need your partner's attention and love. The moon in Aquarius can bring extraordinary acquaintances with extraordinary people. Do not wonder the rapid change of situations, be ahead of a time. Do not idealize your partner. Your relations can be rather unusual and at least can lead up to friendship. Your friend's opinion greatly influences on love affairs. Friendly support and mutual understanding between partners prolong romantic relations. Relations are not passionate but friendly. Do not try to domesticate your partner – it can spoil the relations.

Moon aspects with planets

Moon sextile Jupiter

Housework today

The energy of this day is directed toward charity. It is not worth doing any housework on this day but better to help your elder relatives or loved ones, put your energy into the creation of inner and outer warmth. Today it is recommended that one improve their loving kindness and care with regard to the special people in their life...
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Meditations for today

Subjects for meditation: Water, heart.

Try to find a place near the water (river, sea, lake, fountain). If the water is calm, imagine your emotions are calming down, merge with this tranquility, imagine yourself as the water. When ripples occur and fade, observe how your emotions fade as well, and how you are filling with peace...
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Dreams on 12 lunar day

Dreams on the 12th lunar day may show which values you give more importance to in everyday life. If in a dream you see something material you value, then your spiritual life is being infringed upon and the materialistic aspects prevail...
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Advice for beauty:

today is a neutral day for the haircut
today is a favorable day for the hair coloring
today is a neutral day for the manicure
epilation is not recommended today
skin cleansing is not recommended today
today is a neutral day for the nail care
Haircut lunar calendar
Hair coloring lunar calendar
Nutrition lunar calendar

Read also:
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for year 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business