Astrological forecast for August 2024

Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini is from August 1 to 29

This conjunction of planets increases our impulsivity and makes our speech shaper and more vigorous. It will be easy to get involved in disputes over trifles.

There may be more controversy, arguments, and the desire to prove our point and appear more authoritative, sometimes for no good reason and with a superficial perspective.

At the same time, if we use this celestial aspect skilfully, we can significantly increase our status and authority if we show determination and courage.

The New Moon is in Leo on August 4, 2024

This New Moon allows us to understand ourselves, our essence, and our identity.

We need to observe our inner world and its structure to discover our Self.

This New Moon brings vivid emotions, promotes self-understanding, and helps us to be active, show our leadership qualities, and be competitive.

It can strengthen our ambitions and create situations in which we have to fight for ourselves, for our Self, and our individuality.

During this New Moon, it will be easy to get into conflict with others. Disputes and disagreements are likely.

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Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on August 5

With the retrograde movement of Mercury, it is good to review matters related to documents, sort through the papers, and get rid of unnecessary information.

We can reconsider those relationships that drain our forces.

With such a Mercury, it is necessary to properly clean those places or areas of our lives where a lot of excess has accumulated and that was not useful.

This period is not good for starting new training, but it is good to continue learning something that we have already started.

It is good to review courses we ve started, repeat the material we ve learned, and deepen and improve the knowledge that we ve already accumulated.

This Mercury is suitable for redistributing finances, analysing our expenses and income, auditing and accounting activities, and examining our expenses for the past 8 months.

This is not a good time to travel to new places.

We need to be especially attentive when it comes to documents, securities, and agreements.

Venus enters the sign of Virgo on August 5

Venus in Virgo gives us conservatism, neatness, and tidiness and increases our interest in classic fashion.

With such a Venus, it is good to buy beauty products for everyday care that have stood the test of time.

It is good to buy or sew classic clothes and choose a classic suit, hairstyle, or makeup.

This is a good time to put our things and house in order and organise the space in a house.

Venus in Virgo increases our interest in learning, reading, and communication.

Saturn square Mars from August 7 to 26

With such an aspect, we need to be more careful when showing our all-or-nothing mentality, inflexibility, and rigidity when it comes to our position, opinions, or ideas.

It is advisable to be more tolerant when communicating and try to avoid conflicts.

During this period, agreements and dealings that involve responsibility may be violated. Due to the fuss, delays may occur and plans may be disrupted.

Uranus square Sun from August 10 to 29

With this position of the planets, the desire to radically change something, break free, and prove our independence will be activated.

Excessive eccentricity and extravagance are possible. Also, unexpected situations and sudden changes may occur.

Mercury retrograde enters the sign of Leo on August 15

During the period of such a Mercury, it is good to review everything related to personal projects, self-development, and showing our worth and creativity.

At this time, we need to show and develop our speaking skills, work on our acting skills, and perform in front of an audience.

It is worth analysing the events that have happened since July 2, what acquaintances we have made, what knowledge we have acquired, and what we have learned.

We may need to reflect on the expenses we make on ourselves, our needs, self-development, and the development of our abilities.

The Full Moon is on August 19, 2024

At this time, the Moon will be in Aquarius, and the Sun will be in Leo.

The Full Moon will occur on a fixed axis, giving us the opportunity to correct mistakes.

This Full Moon helps us to understand where our priorities incline: towards the individual Self or towards group tasks and projects.

During this Full Moon, we can find and feel the balance between our own Selves and our groups.

This Full Moon has a complex energy.

We need to cherish relationships with our loved ones and people important to us because it will be easy to enter into conflict, which can be memorable for a long time and cause hidden resentment.

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The Sun enters the sign of Virgo on August 22

The Sun in Virgo helps us focus on clearer, painstaking, and monotonous activities.

Here, the Sun helps us take on difficult tasks that require patience and perseverance.

With such a Sun, it s good to redistribute finances, put things in their places, and plan our tasks.

Mercury ends its retrograde movement in Leo on August 29

Mercury in Leo puts us focus on ourselves and how we show our worth in this world.

This is a time of showing our worth vividly with the help of words and speech.

With such a Mercury, it becomes important to be heard and our point of view to be accepted.

Our speech becomes brighter and louder. Subjectivity in the perception of the opinions of others may increase.

We may carelessly spend money on ourselves.

Venus enters the sign of Libra on August 29

Venus in Libra puts us in a mood for beauty, harmony, art, diplomacy, and tact.

This is a good time for fixing relationships with our partners and loved ones and looking for common ground and mutual understanding.

With such a Venus, it will be easy to feel harmony and balance in a personal relationship.

During the period of such a Venus, it is good to develop our sense of beauty and the ability to perceive subtle and high art.

This time is good for buying elegant, refined, and beautiful items. We can purchase makeup and self-care products.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Lunar calendar for year 2024