Business lunar calendar for May 15, 2024

May 15, 2024
9 lunar day Symbol: Bat
starts at 11:50 AM
This is an unfavorable day for starting any new projects. The probability of being robbed is high; take care of your valuables and deposits.
It is recommended to:
- have a rest, recover strength, clear up your mind
- devote this day to your inner world
- be quiet and patient while communicating with colleagues
- avoid aggression and good intentions as well
- avoid transactions for profit
- make time for your hobby and creative work
- cancel all important projects.
It is not recommended to:
- interfere with anyone, because conflicts won't be easily resolved
- do business
- take part in adventurous activities
- visit any presentations or entertainments
- sign contracts
- process documents
- accommodate someone with a loan or draw upon a credit.
Moon in Leo Moon in Leo
continues until 10:34 PM
This is a day of creative inspiration. You may notice that optimism, eloquence and self-assurance are escalated, probably you will experience inside yourself a cheerful mood, increased combativity and a propensity for high risk. This is an ideal period for presentations and social, sport or cultural events. It is a good time to ask for an increase in salary or just to tighten your relationship with your boss. These days are very powerful, so don't miss the chance to use this energy efficiently. Do not sign contracts; better to suspend all realty affairs.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 16, 2024
10 lunar day Symbol: Fountain
starts at 1:02 PM
Today is a fortunate day for all matters of living, the probability for professional success increases. You may expect financial income. This day will give you enough energy to do a week's amount of work. Communication at work can be expected to go pleasantly, especially in well
-consolidated teams. All unpleasantries will quickly melt away.
It is recommended to:
- carry on with the family business
- solve family financial matters
- give attention to business communications and contacts
- continue previously started projects
- dedicate this period to strengthening the prestige of your organization
- strengthen your already proven ties
- engage your career and business
- work individually and in a team.
It is not recommended to:
- start new business projects.
Moon in Virgo Moon in Virgo
continues from the morning
This is a favorable period to start new projects. You may experience business and intellectual activity and discover inside yourself efficiency, punctuality, responsibility, attention, rationality and caution. This is an advantageous period to do accounting, report preparations and any other work which requires diligence, accuracy and undivided attention. It is favorable to sign checks, financial credit documents or create new banking accounts. Studying might be useful. Moon energy patronizes scientific work, complicated mathematical calculations, computer engineering and any other machine working. Poor intuitive and predictive abilities are expressed during these days better not to make important decisions or try and solve global issues.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 17, 2024
11 lunar day Symbol: Kundalini
starts at 2:12 PM
This is one of the most energetic and successful days of the lunar month. You may see the realization of what you had planned at the beginning of this period. The Energy is very powerful, so don't miss the chance to be more efficient at work. Enthusiasm, assurance and your potential are highly increased.
It is recommended to:
- prepare carefully for any new projects
- make resolute your actions in business and at work
- solve small and insignificant financial matters
- implement changes you had planned
- make contracts
- take on new responsibilities or positions
- finish started projects
- pay attention to spiritual aspects.
It is not recommended to:
- give too much attention to material valuables.
Moon in Virgo Moon in Virgo
continues from the morning
This is a favorable period to start new projects. You may experience business and intellectual activity and discover inside yourself efficiency, punctuality, responsibility, attention, rationality and caution. This is an advantageous period to do accounting, report preparations and any other work which requires diligence, accuracy and undivided attention. It is favorable to sign checks, financial credit documents or create new banking accounts. Studying might be useful. Moon energy patronizes scientific work, complicated mathematical calculations, computer engineering and any other machine working. Poor intuitive and predictive abilities are expressed during these days better not to make important decisions or try and solve global issues.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 18, 2024
12 lunar day Symbol: Heart
starts at 3:22 PM
This is a calm and peaceful day.
It is recommended to:
- negotiate
- ask for help
- express the strength of your will, firmness, patience and honesty at work
- be able to settle arguments, level conflicts and find compromises
- work with finances
- give money to charity
- wish yourself the fulfillment of your mind's desires, pray for something.
It is not recommended to:
- overwork
- start new projects or do anything of great significance
- hustle and bustle.
Moon in Libra Moon in Libra
starts from 11:22 AM
This is a favorable period for negotiations and meetings which require your skills in diplomacy, but avoid making important decisions, better try and complete projects you already started. These days people usually experience a feeling of permanence yet at the same time indecision and hesitancy. This period is filled with peace and harmony, but remember to maintain good manners and stay diplomatic during all types of communication.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 19, 2024
13 lunar day Symbol: Wheel
starts at 4:32 PM
This is a day to renew the vital energy of your life.
It is recommended to:
- extend the sphere of your influence
- correct your business policy
- sign agreements
- hire new employees
- organize public events
- get new information, improve education and increase knowledge
- create groups or teams
- work in a team and discuss urgent problems with colleagues
- solve financial matters.
It is not recommended to:
- start serious projects, especially by yourself
- quit any previously started projects
- take long breaks or rest too much.
Moon in Libra Moon in Libra
continues from the morning
This is a favorable period for negotiations and meetings which require your skills in diplomacy, but avoid making important decisions, better try and complete projects you already started. These days people usually experience a feeling of permanence yet at the same time indecision and hesitancy. This period is filled with peace and harmony, but remember to maintain good manners and stay diplomatic during all types of communication.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 20, 2024
14 lunar day Symbol: Two pipes
starts at 5:44 PM
This is one of the luckiest and most powerful days of the lunar month. There is a high possibility for advancing office, a raise in salary or receiving a deserved honor.
It is recommended to:
- get active and take decisive action
- start any important or serious affairs
- have no doubts about forthcoming successes
- go slow, elaborate each step
- communicate with all your various contacts: friends, relatives, colleagues, partners, bosses, etc; you may possibly meet new profitable acquaintances
- publicly announce your ideas during the first half of day; share your plans
- consolidate family relations, straighten out relations with elders
- carry on career and business
- solve financial matters.
It is not recommended to:
- be idle
- waste energy for insignificant events
- interfere with someone else's problems or needless affairs during the second half of day.
Moon in Libra Moon in Libra
continues until 11:33 PM
This is a favorable period for negotiations and meetings which require your skills in diplomacy, but avoid making important decisions, better try and complete projects you already started. These days people usually experience a feeling of permanence yet at the same time indecision and hesitancy. This period is filled with peace and harmony, but remember to maintain good manners and stay diplomatic during all types of communication.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
May 21, 2024
15 lunar day Symbol: Fiery serpent
starts at 6:59 PM
The first half of this day is rather complicated. After noon you will have a chance to execute your plans but only if you use your creativity. Despite its complexity, this day forms the foundation for the rest of lunar month and you may already see the results of your efforts from the first part of this period. Successful events or promising new acquaintances are possible.
It is recommended to:
- perform simple actions and not overexert yourself
- buy, sell or trade
- hang on to curious ideas, these may become helpful in the future.
It is not recommended to:
- overload yourself
- demonstrate ambitions
- do any important projects
- shift responsibility to other people
- work with finances
- make any important negotiations
- give into impulsive risks.
Moon in Scorpio Moon in Scorpio
continues from the morning
The period of Scorpio is one of the most emotional. You may express impatience, aggression, nervousness, intolerance or even have a tendency to depression. Therefore try to limit communication with your superiors or bureaucratic agencies. All business meetings should be minimized. The Moon in Scorpio enables heightened concentration of the mind and increases critical thinking. It is the best period to make risky and serious decisions. Do not start any new projects or tasks, avoid working with real estate.
Waxing Moon
It is time for action and the implementation of the plans you have made. You may start new and important projects. The Moon shares its realization energy. This is a period of active working. In order not to waste the active power, do not digress into unimportant matters. People are usually lively. They become more active and openly express thoughts and feelings.
Business lunar calendar for the next seven days
Lunar calendar for today
Lunar calendar for this month