Astrological forecast for January 2022

The beginning of the new year

The beginning of the year and January give an opportunity to leave the past behind and look into the future.

The emotional background this month is more hidden inside, which can cause the need for solitude, reflection on yourself and your life. To balance the inner instability and secrecy, you need to find time for physical activity, dancing, communicating with like-minded people, active movement practices.

There is an opportunity to make new acquaintances until January 10. Meetings with old friend at this time can be interesting and exciting.

After January 10, external activities begin to intensify, the emotional background is no longer so strong, more leveled, favoring fruitful activity.

Don t go on long trips this month. It would be better to mend relations with old friends.

The month is good for active, focused activity. You can put things in order, at work, and in many areas of your life.

Promotion of new projects will go well at the beginning of the month. Everything that you will have time to think in advance, you can put into action.

This month is favorable for pedagogical and intellectual activities. The learning process is going well.

From January 12 to 16 you should not organize intellectual storming and group sessions. Exams that are scheduled at this time, should be postponed if possible.

In this month you should postpone the topic of beauty and all but the most basic purchases.

From January 5 to 20 be more attentive to your health.

January 2 New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon will occur at 6:33 P.M. UTC.

This New Moon is perfect for quietly planning your achievements for the new year 2022.

This is a day to rest and recuperate. Spend it in pleasant company, in a friendly atmosphere.

January 2 Mercury enters Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius is good for discussions, thinking about new projects, discussions. It helps to find new, original solutions.

January 14 - 26 Mercury in Aquarius retrograde

Mercury entering retrograde motion will bring some caution. Forgetfulness of what you seem to know by heart is likely.

Try to be careful of yourself and others.

At this time, you should not start a radically new business.

Processes that are already in progress and well known can be deepened. Any originality can not be immediately accepted.

Until January 24, Mars is in Sagittarius

Active Mars encourages activity, gives free rein to achievements. There may be a need to achieve one s goals and a desire to start new things. One only wants to move forward.

Mars activity can be most successfully used until January 10.

Further, though Mars will be in Sagittarius, the retrograde of Mercury and Venus will slow down some active actions.

January 17 Full Moon on the Cancer-Capricorn axis

The Full Moon will occur at 11:48 P.M. UTC.

On this Full Moon, the Moon will be in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn.

The Full Moon has an intense character. Several important astrological events are occurring around it. 

Uranus is turning and can shift reference points from the inner plane to the outer one. With such a U-turn, one should be careful on the roads and not be in a hurry. It is advisable to spend more time in contact with your inner self.

January 18 Uranus becomes direct in Taurus

As Uranus goes from retrograde to direct motion, from January 8 to 28, there is increased tension in the intellectual and emotional spheres. Particular tension can be felt around January 18th.

It is good to relieve arising tensions with active mental activity, communication with friends, trips, skiing, walks, being in nature, especially in the mountains and in a pine forest.

January 18, the Ascending Moon Node moves into Taurus and the Descending Moon Node into Scorpio

Karmic nodes change their position during the Full Moon.

At this time, you should pay more attention to meditation, letting go of past debts, saving energy for the future.

This is the time of getting out of the transformation through external situations, to the level of clarification and understanding of the causes of certain situations.

With the right approach, this position of the nodes gives an opportunity to bring beauty and harmony into one s practical and material life.

January 24 Mars enters Capricorn

Mars becomes more practical, there is a need to work harder and do concrete things. 

With this position of Mars, you are less willing to take risks and break existing rules. Excitement stops actively pushing for risky activities. Activities become more practical and meaningful.

January 26 - February 4 retrograde Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury becomes more serious. Discussions are gaining importance.

Strictness and restraint appear in relationships. It becomes difficult to make contacts.

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