Astrological forecast 2022

According to the Chinese calendar, 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger

The character of this animal will color the year with its energies.

The Tiger brings courage, determination, impetuosity and speed. He loves risk, adventure. Luck will favor those who are not afraid to take risks.

However, this totem animal will require us to make deliberate decisions before acting.

Its energy will give us confidence and courage, self-will and stubbornness.

There may appear a tendency to compete, a desire to chase the chance, a craving for suddenness and adventures.

During this year, it will be easier for us to keep our word and show responsibility.

There may appear new opportunities, energy and enthusiasm at work.

The year 2022 promises to be eventful and full of surprises

It will be a good year for self-development and self-expression, for creativity and art. This year, you can enroll in painting courses and art workshops.

Training, trips, and travel are beneficial. This year, retraining and learning new trades will go well.

It will be a good year to move, change housing and buy a property. It s good to improve your financial literacy. It is important to avoid profligacy.

You can t rely on luck alone this year. The Water Tiger is patient, slow and requires appropriate efforts.

Positive changes will occur gradually.

The year is favorable for negotiations, contacts, discussions. Trading activity may become more active. Communication may show more tolerance and objectivity, truthfulness and openness.

The Tiger doesn t like routine and immobility, so the energy of this year will create situations that will unsettle and change our quiet stable state. It will be difficult to sit out and wait out. Deliberate, correct decisions and actions will be necessary.

The year is favorable for self-development, changing work or place of residence, traveling.

There will appear a tendency to cling less to the past and build a positive future.

This year, it is worth paying more attention to finances. Improve your financial literacy, learn to feel the money flow. Think over where and how to invest money in order to make a profit, increase income and grow your savings.

In 2022, it s better not to let the relationship in the family be untended. They will be particularly vulnerable, and we need to pay attention to them, learn to build harmonious communication. It is advisable to make surprises for your family and friends during weekends.

This year will provide special support to those who are not afraid of novelty, changes and upgrading.

Perfectly qualified specialists can get great fulfillment and high incomes this year.

Dynamics of 2022

At the beginning of the year, the social situation is difficult but tends to gradually improve.

The most beneficial month of the year is April. This month may mark a real breakthrough in the implementation of one s creativity, internal and communicative activities. A lot of mind-expanding insights, which make room for a new inspired action, will be happening this month.

Until June, the contradictions between the old and the new will be still strong. However, the main transformation has already taken place, conclusions have been drawn, much has already been synthesized. The contradictions that have aroused earlier still continue to take place but their strength is running out. The strengthening of the spirit is still relevant. The spirit will be strengthened by the strength of the Tiger s character, which never gives in and doesn t give up when facing difficulties.

The period of completion of the old, dying of unnecessary things and repentance is still going on. It is possible to experience compassion, awareness and the ability to sacrifice yourself and your time for others. This is the year of rebirth in a new image.

2022 opens up new opportunities

If we have an adequate ideology, our minds will turn to the future this year. The task to build a positive future, without looking back, will appear. The attention of the energies of the year is directed to external activities. It s when all the acquired knowledge appears in front of people to help those who are still way behind.

The interest in the inner side of life remains but without denying the outer side.

The questions of ecology and healthy lifestyle will be relevant in the world. It will be important to improve your health, do regular cleansing, do sports, have proper nutrition.

Changes in finance are likely. New reforms in this area are possible.

When dealing with questions of improving your life and well-being, it s advisable to pay attention to trips to nature, meditation that calm the mind, practices that increase the level of ether (qigong, yoga, meditative running, etc.). It will be important to alternate active training with rest and relaxation practices.

The energy of the year is very active so you should be careful when driving, performing rushed and spontaneous actions, carrying excessive loads.

Feeling completeness, energy and drive, it is important not to spill energy but to be able to direct it in the right direction.


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