Housework on August 9, 2024

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The Sun in Leo Friday is a day of the Venus

It is favorable time for any activities.
Venus enables creativity, romantic relationship, needs in rest and companionship.

6 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Crane
starts at 10:57
Breathing and sound could heal any illness.

Housework on 6 lunar day:

The energy of this day is calm and soothing, it activates prana, vitally important energy. On this day it is suggested to air out your living space by opening the windows wide and letting in as much air as possible; it is also good to open the curtains and allow sunlight to fill the house and to clean the dark corners in order to let the sunlight reach them too. It is a good day to wipe surfaces with a damp rag. On this day it is a bad idea to give your personal items away even if it seems that you are done with them. Do your everyday chores in a normal rhythm, not letting yourself become distracted if a hectic atmosphere ensues. Think of your labor as an inseparable part of your being.
Moon in Libra
continues from the morning
Moon in Libra
This is a fortunate time for communication, talks and meeting arrangements.

Housework on the Moon in Libra:

The Moon is in Libra. Air element is active. While the moon is in Libra it is best to bring beauty into your house: hang pictures or add decorative elements to the interior. It is advisable to cultivate feng shui in the house, to create harmony and balance in color palettes or the things that fill your house. These days you may wash the windows, especially if the Moon is waning. Any cleaning in general is advisable. Pay special attention to airing the living space, it will bring you a lot of positive energy. During the period when air element is active laundry will dry faster and the clothes which you put away will retain their freshness. Also these days are good for dealing with your old notes or magazine and book collections.
Waxing Moon

Housework on the Waxing Moon:

The period of the Waxing Moon is not the best for cleaning. Also, don’t do any repairing including plastering walls, especially if the Moon is in Cancer or Leo. However, this period is appropriate for transplanting; unless the moon is in Aquarius. You may use these days for whitening laundry, when the young Moon will be passing through signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Preserve homemade food on a waxing Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. It is appropriate to mop wooden floors with a barely wet cloth, but not if the Moon is in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.   If you decide to bake pie or cookies or anything that will be eaten fast – do that on a waxing Moon, they are days of Light and Benefit. The dough will rise faster during this period and pastries will come out better: soft and tasty.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for September 2024
Full moon calendar
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Lunar calendar for business