Housework on August 30, 2023

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The Sun in Virgo Wednesday is a day of the Mercury

It is favorable time for intellectual activities, negotiations, correspondence, accounting and planning.
It is good to learn something new.

14 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Two pipes
continues from the morning
Trumpet calls to start matters of great importance.

Housework on 14 lunar day:

Try to cleanse your living space today and do any type of magic purification for your home: try and free it from negative energy which can be attributed to the activity of evil spirits. This is especially important on the eve of the full moon. Magic cleansing of the house should be done with the help of the four elements - Earth is symbolized by salt, Air by incense, Water by a bowl of holy water and Fire by a burning candle. Salt should be thrown into corners and incense should be carried throughout the entire house; sprinkle water everywhere as well and with the candle one must also go clockwise around all living areas while praying aloud. If you want to make things more simple just mop the floor with slightly sea-salted water and burn candles and incense.

15 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Fiery serpent
starts at 20:07
Ascesis, self-discipline.

Housework on 15 lunar day:

On this Lunar day one may feel joyous and uplifted while others may become depressed. It is very important to understand your condition and plan your day accordingly. Don't do any big projects or difficult work around the house today; airing out, humidifying and burning candle and incenses will be sufficient. Thus the energy of the full moon will show you its bright side and bring with it peace and calmness for your soul. Often this exact day is the day of a Supermoon. If this is the case be extra attentive to the atmosphere at home; guard it with your inner intention and you quiet interactions with your family. Avoid painful topics with your relatives, better to keep silent and be appreciative of their individual choices. Don't give into any irritation if someone decides to show a lot of energy and activity with house chores. Observe yourself.
Moon in Pisces
starts from 14:56
Moon in Pisces
A day for relaxation, romance and creativity.

Housework on the Moon in Pisces:

The Moon is in Pisces, Water element is active. During the period the Moon goes through Pisces, you have the right to take a rest. Doing any housework will be extra tiresome. It's a really good moment to decorate the interior or even just to think about any changes you might want to make. Delay all projects, take a break and enjoy life. The Moon in Pisces is helpful for finding things you've lost. It is not advisable to air out your bed when the Moon is in water signs; mattresses, blankets and pillows can soak in humidity which can not only cause discomfort but even physical ailments. During this period all water works are advisable such as laundry, dishes and mopping. However, if the Moon is waxing moderate the amount of water you use on wooden surfaces. Don't forget to water house plants. Reduce the amount of time you spend airing out the house and don't put away your clothes.
Waxing Moon

Housework on the Waxing Moon:

The period of the Waxing Moon is not the best for cleaning. Also, don’t do any repairing including plastering walls, especially if the Moon is in Cancer or Leo. However, this period is appropriate for transplanting; unless the moon is in Aquarius. You may use these days for whitening laundry, when the young Moon will be passing through signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Preserve homemade food on a waxing Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. It is appropriate to mop wooden floors with a barely wet cloth, but not if the Moon is in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.   If you decide to bake pie or cookies or anything that will be eaten fast – do that on a waxing Moon, they are days of Light and Benefit. The dough will rise faster during this period and pastries will come out better: soft and tasty.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for July 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business