Housework on June 19, 2023

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The Sun in Gemini Monday is a day of the Moon

This is a period of female energy, emotional-sensuous sphere, creative vitality, and subconsciousness activation.
It is recommended to spend time with a family and kids. It is favorable to keep company with lady friends for women.
This day is favorable for making domestic purchases, planning, and household tasks.

2 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Horn of plenty
starts at 05:07
One can knows what things are necessary by feeling, when eating and contacting with people.

Housework on 2 lunar day:

The Moon's energy is beginning to grow and you may start projects. On this lunar day it is favorable to do any kind of housework from tidying up to rearranging. Today feelings and intuition are heightened, don't forget to take advantage of this while completing your daily tasks. If you are planning to rearrange, tune into your feelings, try and find the reason behind even the slightest feeling of discomfort. If the reason is determined and seems easy to get rid of then go ahead and start the project; otherwise don't stress, you have plenty of time to change your plans. Use your intuition in all housework today; for example, if you are going to mop, ask yourself if you would like to add a few drops of aromatic oil in the water or perhaps some wormwood, maybe you feel it better to skip mopping altogether. When working with your flowers, be extra attentive: some of them might need to be transplanted or rearranged. Use your intuition even while doing dishes; maybe you will want to remove certain dishes or reorganize the cupboards and drawers. This day is favorable for all kinds organizing in your living space in order to understand what you need or don't need at this particular moment in time. In ancient times this lunar day was considered to be a good time to begin the construction of a house.
Moon in Cancer
continues from the morning
Moon in Cancer
Emotions are elevated, exercise diplomacy.

Housework on the Moon in Cancer:

The Moon is in Cancer, Water element is active. On these days it is good to vacuum, mop, change the bathroom fixtures and for house cleaning in general. You could and should wipe light bulbs and chandeliers or generally bring new lighting to dark spaces. It is also desirable to declutter. In this period it is reasonable to wash almost all the dishes in the house, because grease and dirt will come off more easily. The same goes for laundry, especially the stubbornest stains will wash easy and you will use less soap, particularly if the Cancer Moon is waning. On water days you shouldn't put away clothes, for they are sure to get damp. It is inadvisable to air out the living space. If you decide to clean your mattress also pay attention to Earth's satellite; during the waxing Moon in water signs it's not the best idea. Moisture will be drawn to the mattress and sleeping will become uncomfortable. However, if the Moon is waning hardwood floors will take well to mopping: you may mop with an extra wet rag moistened in freezing cold water with a 1:10 mixture of glycerin. Don't do that on a waxing Moon though, as it may cause mold and warping; in this case use as little water as possible and give preference to a vacuum or broom. These days are bad for painting, but good for watering house plants or freezing vegetables. Better to leave baking for another day.
Waxing Moon

Housework on the Waxing Moon:

The period of the Waxing Moon is not the best for cleaning. Also, don’t do any repairing including plastering walls, especially if the Moon is in Cancer or Leo. However, this period is appropriate for transplanting; unless the moon is in Aquarius. You may use these days for whitening laundry, when the young Moon will be passing through signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Preserve homemade food on a waxing Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. It is appropriate to mop wooden floors with a barely wet cloth, but not if the Moon is in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.   If you decide to bake pie or cookies or anything that will be eaten fast – do that on a waxing Moon, they are days of Light and Benefit. The dough will rise faster during this period and pastries will come out better: soft and tasty.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
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