Housework on May 8, 2022

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The Sun in Taurus Sunday is a day of the Sun

This day should be devoted to spiritual essence of a Human Being. Try to minimize any works and household activities.
It is a favorable time to visit a Church, to pray or to meditate, to stay in peace in the open.

9 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Bat
starts at 10:52
Be on the watch, discern between situations when evil forces seduce and when the light of truth shines.

Housework on 9 lunar day:

This day is good for projects which were started a long time ago and need more time still. It might be fit for building or reconstruction, fertilizing the soil, seeding or planting. Any kind of labor today will increase one's experience or prudence and will bring financial benefits. Today is favorable for organizing your private space: your room, desk or workplace. You may sort things and throw out that which you no longer need. Approach your cleaning as a form of meditation by thinking: "with the cleaning of my physical space I am cleaning and widening my inner space". Try not to react to critiques of your action especially if it comes from your parents or loved ones. This time is unfit for woodwork or mechanics; there is a high probability for injury.
Moon in Leo
continues from the morning
Moon in Leo
Creative enthusiasm. Be active and decisive.

Housework on the Moon in Leo:

The Moon is in Leo, Fire element is active. Days of Leo are favorable for adding one's own artwork to the interior environment. It is good if something which reflects your unique personality will emerge in your home. These days are best for developing your sitting room. Moons in Leo are better fit for taking rest, doing everyday projects may cause fatigue. But it is a wonderful moment to calmly decorate the interior or even just brainstorm changes. Delay anything strenuous, relax and enjoy life. This period is inauspicious for painting. These days are useful for baking and stocking food.
Waxing Moon

Housework on the Waxing Moon:

The period of the Waxing Moon is not the best for cleaning. Also, don’t do any repairing including plastering walls, especially if the Moon is in Cancer or Leo. However, this period is appropriate for transplanting; unless the moon is in Aquarius. You may use these days for whitening laundry, when the young Moon will be passing through signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Preserve homemade food on a waxing Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. It is appropriate to mop wooden floors with a barely wet cloth, but not if the Moon is in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.   If you decide to bake pie or cookies or anything that will be eaten fast – do that on a waxing Moon, they are days of Light and Benefit. The dough will rise faster during this period and pastries will come out better: soft and tasty.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for July 2024
Full moon calendar
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Lunar calendar for business