Housework on November 18, 2020

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The Sun in Scorpio Wednesday is a day of the Mercury

It is favorable time for intellectual activities, negotiations, correspondence, accounting and planning.
It is good to learn something new.

5 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Unicorn
starts at 11:22
Keep your inner rod, accomplish alchemy of soul and meal.

Housework on 5 lunar day:

Today it's better to take a break from cleaning and other household chores. The best thing to do on this day is grocery shopping and organizing your food stocks; both the dry and refrigerated goods. The main task for this lunar day is to suss out what foods your body needs by following your sense of taste and to use this intuitive information in your choices for the rest of the lunar month as well. The energy of this day is directed toward the alchemy of the food we eat. It is a period of special transformation inside our digestive system, this is why it is better to direct your attention inward and determine the best products to ingest at this moment. If you have the mood or the will, you may choose to cook at home all the while listening to your feelings; how much salt, spices or herbs do you feel like adding into a particular dish or what beverage will best pair with it .
Moon in Capricorn
continues from the morning
Moon in Capricorn
This is a fortunate day for planning and starting important projects.

Housework on the Moon in Capricorn:

The Moon is in Capricorn, Earth element is active. On Capricorn days you may begin some reorganization at home, it could be simply cosmetic changes, like a deep cleaning, or as much as a complete overhaul. If you can't get rid of the chaos that exists in your basement or high cabinets or if you can't force yourself to let go of those precious memories taking up space, than wait until the Moon will come into Capricorn. These days we are less sentimental and more balanced, this is why it will be easier to part with useless storage. Make sure not to store clothes or shoes on Earth Days (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), there is a risk they will wear out sooner or become dry and crack. When the Moon is in Capricorn guard your knees while doing any housework, try to choose work which won't put extra stress on them such as climbing stairs or squatting. Don't bring clothes for dry cleaning.
Waxing Moon

Housework on the Waxing Moon:

The period of the Waxing Moon is not the best for cleaning. Also, don’t do any repairing including plastering walls, especially if the Moon is in Cancer or Leo. However, this period is appropriate for transplanting; unless the moon is in Aquarius. You may use these days for whitening laundry, when the young Moon will be passing through signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Preserve homemade food on a waxing Moon in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. It is appropriate to mop wooden floors with a barely wet cloth, but not if the Moon is in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.   If you decide to bake pie or cookies or anything that will be eaten fast – do that on a waxing Moon, they are days of Light and Benefit. The dough will rise faster during this period and pastries will come out better: soft and tasty.

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for July 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business