Astrological forecast for September 2023

September starts with Venus and Jupiter stationing.

Stationary Jupiter will pause all activity in social life and the process of solving issues of a legal nature and prestige.

Stationary Venus will affect us on a personal level, showing us a new level of tastes and preferences.

Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will remain in the same positions as in August.

Three planets will turn around and change their rotation in September: Venus and Mercury, which will affect personal life, and Jupiter, which will have a strong influence on society.

Starting this month, two social planets Saturn and Jupiter will retrograde, promoting internal work, development of projects, and improvement of the old.

The retrograde nature of the three higher planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will continue to keep the world from destruction.

Venus is stationing from September 2 to 4

At this time, a transition to a new level will take place. There will be some sort of update on the aspects that Venus is responsible for.

Past issues related to love, affections, dislikes, preferences, and pleasures should be resolved and we need to move to a new level.

During this period, along with the turn of the planet, we need to turn around as well to let something new into our life.

During stationary Venus, it is not recommended to have beauty treatments. It is better not to plan plastic surgeries and aesthetic procedures. It is better to postpone buying cosmetics, beautiful clothes, and shoes.

Venus turns direct in the Sign of Leo on September 4

It will stay in this position until October 9, 2023.

The direct movement of Venus opens up opportunities for creativity, creating a bright personal style, and implementing one s acting and creative projects.

Love can vividly manifest itself at this time. A desire to have a stable romantic relationship may appear.

We will begin to like everything bright, beautiful, and even kinglike.

With such a Venus, it is good to make basic purchases and beauty treatments. It is possible to buy new dresses, shoes, and accessories for parties and ceremonies.

Jupiter is stationing from September 1 to 4

The activity associated with this planet will slow down at this time.

During this position of Jupiter, it is advised to pay attention to the events related to legal documents, foreign trips, teachers, mentors, reputable people, patrons, charitable foundations, and personal brands.

In case of unfavourable circumstances, we can process what is happening and try to find a solution during Jupiter s retrograde.

Jupiter is retrograde in the Sign of Taurus since September 4

It will stay in this position until December 31, 2023.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus makes us change our opinion about beautiful things, branded products, finance, property-related issues and property registration, and topics related to land and real estate.

This is the time when we should think about our leisure and entertainment spending, what gives pleasure, and what we like.

During the period of such a Jupiter, we can review our moral values, philosophical views, world-view, our social status, and career.

The New Moon in Virgo is on September 15

The Sign of Virgo brings meaning to our lives.

In Virgo, we spiritualise our daily affairs and fill them with meaning, thus bringing the light of life itself into our daily life.

The energy of the New Moon increases the overall pace of life.

During this New Moon, it will be easy to recharge from everything new and unusual. It will cause the need to change our old patterns and recreate ourselves.

The planetary situation increases willpower, makes it possible to fight for a spot in the sun , and helps to overcome obstacles.

This is not the best time to start important things, travel, launch projects, or buy goods.

Mercury is stationing in the Sign of Virgo on September 15 and 16

It is better not to plan anything related to documents and learning these days. It is advised to postpone large purchases, transactions, and delivery of goods.

At this time, we need to tune in to a new way of communicating, selling, and interacting with other people.

Mercury ends its retrograde motion in Virgo on September 16

Mercury will stay in the sign of Virgo until October 5, giving us an opportunity for studying, accounting, analysing expenses and income, working with documentation, doing commercial activities, and signing new contracts.

Mercury in Virgo promotes scrupulous mental activity. It enhances our mathematical, literary, and research abilities. It promotes planning.

This is a good time for buying and selling household goods, items for studying, and everything necessary for housekeeping.

The Sun enters the Sign of Libra on September 23

The Sun in Libra will promote diplomacy and the ability to negotiate and find compromises.

The taste may become more refined during this period. Interest in intellectual art will be growing.

Such a Sun makes it possible to interact with bosses and state bodies, finding common ground.

The Sun in Libra promotes tact, mutual respect, and the ability to stay balanced in challenging situations.

Active communication, correspondence, online communication, and online learning will be relevant.

September 23 is Autumnal Equinox Day

At this time, the Sun enters the zero degrees of the Sign of Libra.

Daytime and nighttime will be of the same duration. The astronomical autumn begins.

The Autumnal Equinox inclines us to internal processes.

At this time, it is important to tune in to the balance of our internal flows and the elements and inner harmony.

All the harmony that we can absorb on this day will help us in the following 6 months.

The Full Moon is on September 29

At the peak of the Full Moon, the Sun will be in the Sign of Libra, and the Moon in the Sign of Aries.

During this Full Moon, we learn to manage things related to money, law, and relationships.

The ability to show tact and diplomacy in business and personal issues comes to the forefront.

It is good to study, teach, correspond, organise online conferences, do mathematics, conduct research, and study space, esotericism, IT technologies, and programming languages on this Full Moon.

During this Full Moon, we should pay attention to our resources and finances and be able to measure them on all levels.

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