Housework on August 1, 2019

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The Sun in Leo Thursday is a day of the Jupiter

It is a favorable day for carrying out important arrangement, purchases and dealing, financial business, to appeal to authorities.
This is a day of praying, calling to the Divine and making charity.

1 lunar day

New Moon at 04:11
Symbol: Candle
starts at 04:11
This is a day of creative projects planning.

Housework on 1 lunar day:

When starting any household projects on this lunar day consider that the physical energy of humans is at its minimum and rebooting; this is why it isn't worth starting any big tasks. Today only light cleaning is acceptable. Direct your energy toward creating a more pleasant atmosphere; one of calmness, harmony and placidity. You may fill your house with the sounds of calm music and light candles, oil lamps or aroma lamps; today's best aroma oils are mint, magnolia, salvia, lotus, sage or sandalwood. If using an oil lamp it is advisable to keep it burning the entire night. It will be of benefit to bring a new decoration into the interior of your house, this should serve as a symbol with which to begin each new lunar month. On this lunar day you may plan the sequence of your household projects for the next lunar cycle. Today it is better not to start repairing or rearranging, moving to a new house or apartment is also inadvisable at this time. You may do small projects; for example folding and ironing laundry or packing away winter clothes. If you are used to mopping everyday, use a barely wet mop and don't exert any extra effort. Reserve your physical power. Today the energy fields of your mind and creativity are especially active. Better to spend more time in nature, take a seat next to the river or in the park and try to feel a kind of rebirth.

2 lunar day

Symbol: Horn of plenty
starts at 05:26
One can knows what things are necessary by feeling, when eating and contacting with people.

Housework on 2 lunar day:

The Moon's energy is beginning to grow and you may start projects. On this lunar day it is favorable to do any kind of housework from tidying up to rearranging. Today feelings and intuition are heightened, don't forget to take advantage of this while completing your daily tasks. If you are planning to rearrange, tune into your feelings, try and find the reason behind even the slightest feeling of discomfort. If the reason is determined and seems easy to get rid of then go ahead and start the project; otherwise don't stress, you have plenty of time to change your plans. Use your intuition in all housework today; for example, if you are going to mop, ask yourself if you would like to add a few drops of aromatic oil in the water or perhaps some wormwood, maybe you feel it better to skip mopping altogether. When working with your flowers, be extra attentive: some of them might need to be transplanted or rearranged. Use your intuition even while doing dishes; maybe you will want to remove certain dishes or reorganize the cupboards and drawers. This day is favorable for all kinds organizing in your living space in order to understand what you need or don't need at this particular moment in time. In ancient times this lunar day was considered to be a good time to begin the construction of a house.
Moon in Leo
continues from the morning
Moon in Leo
Creative enthusiasm. Be active and decisive.

Housework on the Moon in Leo:

The Moon is in Leo, Fire element is active. Days of Leo are favorable for adding one's own artwork to the interior environment. It is good if something which reflects your unique personality will emerge in your home. These days are best for developing your sitting room. Moons in Leo are better fit for taking rest, doing everyday projects may cause fatigue. But it is a wonderful moment to calmly decorate the interior or even just brainstorm changes. Delay anything strenuous, relax and enjoy life. This period is inauspicious for painting. These days are useful for baking and stocking food.
New Moon

Housework on the New Moon:

Before you start new housework follow this simple rule:  during the period of the New Moon avoid any physical work in the house or garden. This day supports your mental activity will give you energy for all types of planning. While creating the plan for your housework take into consideration the Moon phases, its location in the Zodiac signs and the recommended activities for each Lunar day. Even if you built this schedule according to these guidelines, always listen to your intuition, be guided by your own feelings and get creative!

Read also:

Housework on the next day
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for July 2024
Full moon calendar
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