New Moon on May 30, 2022

The New Moon will occur at 11:30 A.M. UTC.

During this New Moon, the Moon and the Sun will be in the sign of Gemini.

The new lunar month will last until June 29, 2022.

The main meanings of this New Moon

The New Moon in Gemini makes it possible to establish harmonious relationships, expand your social circle, and find new opportunities for cooperation.

It tunes us in communication and commerce. It allows you to quickly estimate and evaluate what is worth dealing with and what is not.

This New Moon gives us good opportunities for studying and travelling.

Gemini raises the problems of duality and helps us to see contradictions that come from this notion.

Here, a person can see his own duality as a Physical body with material needs and passions, and as a Soul with its own spiritual values.

During this New Moon, it s advised to reflect on friendship and its value.

The energy of this New Moon

This New Moon is good for actions and initiatives. There will be an opportunity to express yourself.

It s good to send a resume and promote yourself and your projects. This is a good time to get a job in large corporations or new companies.

You can experience emotional satisfaction from communication, negotiations, putting documents in order, work, and taking care of others.

The New Moon brings energy to resolve conflicts and contradictions.

It would be good to focus on reviewing your ties and agreements during this New Moon. You can review your credit histories and debts.

It s a good time to reflect on the following: when you were spending too much money on pleasure and satisfaction of your desires, and when you were using them with benefit.

Some people may get a real opportunity to get a good job abroad.

Issues related to violations in agreements may arise.

Clarity, thoughtfulness, intuition, and analysis can help to understand the external information pressure.

Before making a decision and acting, it will be important to think a hundred times , weigh the pros and cons , consider all possible options, and listen to your intuition.

Planning during this New Moon

One of the issues of the New Moon will be friendship. And friendship is not only with loved ones but as a notion what is a friendly relationship between people.

Therefore, it s advised to pay attention to the establishment of friendly relationships when planning.

The next issue will be reviewing commercial, contractual, and communicative relations. It s recommended to focus and reconsider your previous connections and communication in general. Which relationships were good and easy, and which ones were good for profit but difficult. It s important to understand how many contacts are enough for you.

Since there may be a feeling of depression or distorted perception related to creativity and art, it s better to allow yourself to relax, be alone, or spend time in nature.

You can plan the implementation of large cycles of physical activities, events, presentations, speeches, reports, trips, and a new job.

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