New Moon on April 30, 2022

The New Moon will occur on April 30, 2022, at 8:28 P.M. UTC.

During this New Moon, the Moon and the Sun will be both in the sign of Taurus.

On this day, a partial solar eclipse will occur also. It will begin at 6:45 P.M. UTC, reach its maximum at 8:41 P.M. and end at 10:37 P.M.

The new lunar month will last until May 30, 2022.

The main meanings of this New Moon

During this New Moon, we can work with our material desires.

The energy of Taurus helps us implement our plans, ideas and projects.

It will help us understand the quality and see the amount of energy that we can spend on this implementation. And thus, we can control our requests.

Here we can see what should be implemented now, what should be postponed, and what should be abandoned forever.

In Taurus, you can pick up quality planning and execution of these plans.

You can guide yourself towards the manifestation of beauty and harmony in the form it may be either a painting, a house or working with the body with the use of physical exercises and a diet.

The energy of this New Moon

The energy of this New Moon awakens interest in life, curiosity, the desire to create and brightly express oneself.

At this time, there will appear an opportunity to present yourself and your projects more brightly, in a new and non-standard way.

However, for a bright presentation, you will need to overcome your insecurities and emotional excitement that may appear at the most inappropriate moments. Planetary energies, which give aspiration and a strong desire to achieve results, can help with that.

The energy of the New Moon is enhanced by a large and expanding flow of harmony and love.

There may appear feelings of delight and unexplained joy, inner peace.

The position of the planets makes it possible to achieve public success and success in creative self-realization. Luck seems to descend from heaven in a soft, loving stream.

The location of the planets on the day of the New Moon can shift perception to the extent that the eyes involuntarily begin to notice the beauty around us.

Even the external information pressure can decrease significantly.

The overall picture is somewhat clouded by a partial solar eclipse, but it s not able to diminish the general flow of Light.

Planning during this New Moon

When planning during this New Moon, you need to pay more attention to the material aspects of your life.

It s advised to plan your artistic self-expression, self-presentation, resume, change of image and place of work.

The projects related to psychology, programming, medicine, research, health, creativity will be especially successful in the upcoming lunar month.

Everything related to documentation and negotiations will be going well too. You can plan to establish new contacts, attract new customers and get new acquaintances. Luck provides the appearance of new paths.

In the new lunar month, it will be much easier to learn a large amount of information related to different areas.

It s important to note that if you want to catch the most favourable planetary flow, planning should start from the very beginning of the New Moon between April 30, 2022, 8:28 P.M. UTC and May 1, 2022, 7:30 A.M., then the picture changes.

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