New Moon on August 27, 2022

The New Moon will occur on August 27, 2022, at 8:16 A.M. UTC.

During this New Moon, the Moon and the Sun will be both in Virgo.

The new lunar month will last from August 27 to September 26, 2022.

The main meanings of this New Moon

The New Moon in Virgo is associated with a lot of small things and details.

It can encourage us to deal with different tasks and make us busy.

During this New Moon, it will be important to tune in to the ability to see meaning in what you do.

Not everything we do is necessary and important. We often overload ourselves with unnecessary and petty worries that consume our time, attention, and strength.

The ability to see the meaning in our daily tasks can make our lives much easier. By discarding the meaningless stuff, you can free up a lot of energy for the things that are way more important at the moment.

The energy of this New Moon

It may be some kind of a pattern, but the energy of the New Moon doesn t often give us a stable emotional state.

Emotions may be quite messy. They can appear because you have too many things to do, too much activity, or a desire to deal with everything no matter what.

During this New Moon, it s easy to hurt another person by saying something before thinking. There may appear high speed and some haste in communication.

Opinions can be changing quickly. An ambivalent view of the situation is likely: one thing you know for sure today, and tomorrow, it may be something else you firmly believe in.

When expressing yourself, your personal style and image, outrageousness, and a desire to go against the flow and not to be like everyone else may prevail.

The energy of this New Moon can cause a lot of fantasies and unrealistic ideas. There can be a lot of talk about illusory things.

In order not to overload yourself with emotions and talk about the subjective, you need to find the balance between your actions and words. Live by motto: said and done. During this New Moon, it s important to be in real life, the present moment, and practical activity.

Also, you need to rely on your intuition when information is coming from a crowd. Learn to listen to yourself. Determine what stands out from the flow of information and what does not.

Planning during this New Moon

During this lunar month, it s recommended to make a plan when your issue is related to documents, education, preparation for studies, cataloguing, systematisation, and organising your data.

Virgo s energy allows you to make more thorough and thoughtful plans than usual, and you can take advantage of this.

It s also very important to learn to find deep meaning in your tasks. And this meaning can be of a completely different nature, including non-obvious options.

You can plan changes related to people around you. Identify the most suitable way of interaction and personal boundaries.

When making a plan for the coming month, it s better to understand what is worth doing and what is not, what to include in your plan, what to postpone, and what to completely abandon.

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