Full Moon on June 24, 2021

The Full Moon on June 24 will occur at 6:39 P.M. UTC.

During this Full Moon, the Moon will be in the sign of Capricorn, and the Sun will be in Cancer.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

During this Full Moon, we can learn how to work with the mass the mass of tasks, papers, people, problems.

We can consider the issues with the health, deal with excessive weight, solve problems with money, household problems and issues in relationships.

During this Full Moon, it s good to consciously start clearing up the blockages in different spheres of your life.

We can see that the external accumulations that surround us in the form of clothing, items, money and internal accumulations in the form of emotions, feelings, thoughts and plans can be quite amenable in processing and transforming.

By freeing yourself from these unnecessary accumulations, you can get free space, fresh energy and find clarity for future life activities.

The energy of this Full Moon

During this Full Moon, a question of how to become a true creator of your own life, and stop flying in the fantasies about it, becomes especially acute.

The energy of Full Moon actualizes people s desire to fulfill his wishes. A tendency for self-realization increases. You might want to understand yourself and feel your flow.

This Full Moon is a great period for building relationships with children and partners.

An initiative to help the other may appear.

It s important to show your initiative on time, and the support from the outside will come as well. Don t confuse the initiative with impulsiveness.

It s advised to be careful and avoid conflicts.

If necessary, it s better to compromise and not follow your ambitions.

During this Full Moon, you should listen to what your senses tell you, since the mind will be clear at this moment and can help you in making the right decisions.

Additional possibilities for solving the issues related to self-realization, promoting your art, establishing connections and relationships appear. Mutual ideas and joint projects might emerge.

During this Full Moon, there will be a favorable energy for solving the issues with family, education, art, relations with children and relatives.

However, don t be lazy when dealing with these questions, don t let them slide. If there s something to work on in these above mentioned spheres, then this Full Moon is favorable for the beginning of such a work.

The position of the planets in the sky gives you opportunities for overcoming immorality via the open channel of creativity, which fosters the discovery of your talents, gives you the ability to understand and sense the beauty on a more subtle level, to be in the flow of love and creativity, revealing and cultivating your skills.

Spiritual and psychological motivations increase.

One wants to get to know himself better, to be engaged in creative processes. When following the spiritual ideas of the salvation of mankind, it s better not to speculate on spirituality.

It s important to demonstrate moderation and use your energy wisely.

The main idea of this Full Moon is to show creativity in everything !

The influence of this Full Moon will be especially strong from the representatives of the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries.

Full Moon days

The influence of Full Moon will last from June 22 until June 26.

During this period, you should avoid impulsiveness or making hastened decisions, it s better not to enter any arguments and conflicts.

It s advised to avoid any kind of fervor.

You should be especially attentive and careful on the road or during the flights.

There s no need to hurry or haste.

The upcoming events and trips should be thoroughly planned, it s better to leave house in advance in order to be on time.

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