Full Moon on February 24, 2024

The Full Moon will occur at 12:30 UTC.

At this moment, the Sun will be in the sign of Pisces, and the Moon will be in the sign of Virgo.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

This Full Moon will incline us to part with the past and let go of what lies deep at the bottom.

Sometimes we can t let go of even the most basic things, and even bad habits seem important to us.

During this Full Moon, we will undergo a deep transformation that will not be immediately obvious to us and still indescribable.

We will go through the highest and hardest parts of our lives.

During this Full Moon, we will learn to distance ourselves and trust the divine and the highest that lives in us.

The energy of this Full Moon

The energy of the Full Moon brings an internal imbalance and inner instability.

Despite all the difficulties, we will be able to organise our thoughts, knowledge, and memories during this Full Moon.

This is a good time to organise ourselves, our creativity, and our notes.

Our emotional sphere will suffer from the lack of desired freedom but we will be able to better understand it at this time.

At this time, it is not recommended to bring work home. It is better to split our duties and household chores during the Full Moon.

During this Full Moon, special attention should be paid to relationships with our loved ones and in the family. We should not be too demanding with our loved ones.

When willing to show originality in feelings, it is better to listen to our intuition and rely on the feelings of another person, not on our desires.

Fortune will smile on us during this Full Moon if we show responsibility, keep promises, make it to our meetings on time, do not give in to doubts, and stop focusing on our worries and fears.

Home comforts, family, good nature, communication with mentors, showing our authority, and expressing our opinion will help to deal with difficult situations.

With the right approach, this Full Moon can bring career success and pleasant changes at work.

The most sensitive to the energies of this Full Moon will be representatives of the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Leo.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from February 22 to 26.

The beginning of this period will bring a mismatch of feelings and actions. Ambitions may be negatively affected and it will become more difficult to show our authority.

Towards the end of the period, our emotional part will experience less stress, but our relationships with life partners will continue to be at risk.

We need to stock enough strength of patience for the entire period of the Full Moon in order not to destroy the warmth in the family and with our loved ones.

Lunar calendar on Today
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Lunar calendar for Year 2024