Full Moon on May 23, 2024

The Full Moon will occur on May 23 at 1:52 P.M. UTC.

During this Full Moon, the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius and the Sun will be in the sign of Gemini.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

The energy of this Full Moon tunes us to effectively interact with others.

It is a period when we can observe how we build relationships between opposites, identifying where interactions flow more smoothly and where they are more challenging.

This Full Moon coincides with the Buddhist festival of Vesak, which commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and departure of Buddha.

Buddha taught, "Be gentle to the young, compassionate to the aged, tolerant with the weak and the errant. Someday in your life, you have been or will be each of these."

The energy of this Full Moon

During this Full Moon, our emotional nature may be influenced by various forces, providing a multitude of impressions.

Both negative and positive waves can overwhelm our emotions.

There might be an increased feeling of imbalance and internal dissatisfaction with what's happening.

The importance of our emotions can easily be exaggerated during this time.

Spontaneity and inconsistency may arise because of our ideals and ideas.

The emerging imbalance can be counteracted with self-control, the ability to exert willpower and listen to intuition, deciding what to rely on and what leads us astray.

Intuition, the ability to listen to our inner voice, and moving towards what truly appeals will aid in achieving overall balance.

During this period, activity and initiative can yield unpredictable results.

Communication may be more challenging. Completely unexpected encounters may occur.

Issues with documents and contracts may be unexpectedly resolved.

This is not the best time for making purchases or sales.

It is advisable not to handle matters with higher-ups, hire new employees, or make personnel changes during this time.

The Full Moon promises significant changes and is favourable for large-scale events.

This period is suitable for major and serious negotiations, offering a chance to address important matters at a high level.

Individuals born under the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius will be the most sensitive to the energies of this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from May 21 to May 25, 2024.

From the start of this period, there will be an opportunity to address large and significant matters.

During this time, there will be a certain magnetism and potential opportunity to show our best side, negotiate mutually beneficial agreements, and find support.

Emotional exhaustion may appear, making everyday communication more difficult.

Throughout the entire period of this Full Moon, the nature of activities will be unpredictable.

This time is well-suited for creativity, hosting large-scale events and exhibitions, major sales, reallocating money, and an intuitive understanding of where to invest them.

After the peak of the Full Moon, there will be an opportunity to act according to a planned strategy, address matters with documents, and approach higher-ups.

Lunar calendar on Today
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Lunar calendar for Year 2024