Full Moon on June 22, 2024

The Full Moon on June 22 will occur at 1:07 A.M. UTC.

At the moment of the Full Moon, the Sun will be in the sign of Cancer, and the Moon will be in the sign of Capricorn.

This Full Moon will occur on the Cardinal Cross and will lay the foundation for future changes.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

This Full Moon will take place on the Cardinal Cross.

It will guide us so we can understand which areas of life we focus our feelings and thoughts on.

We can see in what matters we have focused only on the material, and where there is a higher meaning.

By recognising our illusions and fantasies, we can discover where we block out clear perception and get into the cycle of events.

The energy of this Full Moon

This Full Moon has a complex configuration. It will bring changes for the coming 6 months.

The general emotional setting of this Full Moon is quite intense. There may be many inner worries.

Communication can become more sentimental. Sensitivity and vulnerability to what others say will increase.

Discontent and criticism may be more pronounced, both towards ourselves and others.

Feelings of anxiety and worry, sleep disorders, and mental imbalance are likely to appear.

Activity and initiatives related to ordinary daily life will support us during this period.

At this time, it is good to engage in handiwork and to do things that require patience and perseverance.

We can hone and improve our skills, do these activities with children, spend more time with them, create, and craft.

Commerce will be successful in matters related to everyday objects, household goods, children's products, and home decoration items.

When going on trips, we need to be attentive to our physical and emotional state. It s not advised to rigidly limit ourselves and control the situation too much.

Positive activity and handiwork will help to avoid falling under the influence of the general emotional setting.

Representatives of the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces, and Gemini will be the most sensitive to the energies of this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from June 20 to June 24.

The Full Moon dates can be quite stressful.

At this time, contracts and agreements may be violated. It will be more difficult to show responsibility and comply with the schedule.

There may be different kinds of conversations caused by emotions.

On June 23, inharmonious aspects between the planets will begin to diverge, gradually reducing the tense emotional setting.

The most difficult thing will be not to succumb to illusions and fantasies about ourselves. Confusion and inconsistency may appear.

During the Full Moon, it is better to avoid making acquaintances with dubious personalities, as it will be easy to fall under someone else s influence.

It is also advisable to avoid condition-altering substances.

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