Summer Solstice on June 21, 2022

The Summer Solstice begins on June 21 at 9:14 A.M. UTC.

The Summer Solstice is one of the most important and sacred points of the year.

On this day, astronomical summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere this is the longest day of the year.

When the Summer Solstice starts, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, symbolising the birth of the Divine Principle in the material world.

This day is filled with the powerful energy of light and fire.

On this day, you can make your dearest wishes, fill yourself with the energy of the Sun, and work with the elements.

It s good to spend this day in nature, cleanse and fill yourself with the elements. It s advised to purify your vibes and store some energy for the coming year.

On the day of the Summer Solstice, it s good to work with your kin and mistakes of your parents that you may unconsciously repeat, to turn to the ancestors and ask them for support.

The main tasks of this Summer Solstice will be related to cleansing ourselves from illusions and distortions we have when perceiving ourselves and our emotions.

You can ask Higher Powers to give you clarity of vision and the ability to distinguish.

On this day, it s especially important to stick to internal order and organisation.

Your energy should be directed to creativity on a larger scale than it s been before.

You can organise creative joint events.

The day of the Summer Solstice is good for gathering near the campfire with your loved ones, dancing, singing, and cleansing yourself with fire.

This is one of the most important days for performing spiritual practices.

On this day, you can turn to your inner Sun and kindle your inner fire.

Try not to miss favourable moments, use them for your harmonious development !

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