New Moon on July 17, 2023

The New Moon in Cancer will occur on July 17 at 18:31 UTC.

During this New Moon, the Moon and the Sun will be in the sign of Cancer.

The new lunar month will last until August 16, 2023

The main meanings of this New Moon

In this New Moon, we learn to deal with a great lot of things. With a lot of tasks, papers, problems, excess weight, etc.

We will be facing the task of adding the positive into our lives and everything that we do.

By looking at our reality, we will be able to see where we make too much effort, what we ignore, what lacks positivity, and what we shut ourselves off.

In Cancer, we may plan and direct our attention to things we postponed, hadn t enough time for, or rescheduled.

The energy of this New Moon

This New Moon has a difficult energy since it marks a transition to a new stage. It highlights the need to set new goals and objectives.

During this New Moon, the Sun and the Moon are in harmony, which brings peace of mind and the ability to understand ourselves and our emotions.

If we don t want to lose our mental balance, it is better to avoid getting carried away with never-ending news, stop communicating with ambitious and powerful people, and not demonstrate these qualities ourselves.

Creativity, music, and poetry will help us to stay in inner peace and harmony.

At this time, it will be difficult to act as planned. Someone or something may create obstacles to the intended activity. Some people or circumstances may limit our usual activities.

As a result of this, at some point, there may appear aggressiveness, the desire to harshly take the initiative.

This New Moon gives us a choice: to become a dictator and sternly demand something from others OR to learn to show determination, responsibility, and initiative, based on our intuition, world-view, and moral principles.

The energy of this New Moon is associated with the transition of Lunar Nodes into new zodiac signs.

It may seem that it is unclear how to live, who and what to love, and where to move.

We may rely on our intuition, insights, and aha moments that may come. Also, we may rely on the energy of enthusiasm and inspiration.

Lunar Nodes, moving into new zodiac signs, set a new task for the next 1.5 years: to move from uncertainty and the habit of hesitation to the ability to show determination, initiative, and activity, after weighing all the pros and cons and finding the right solution.

The representatives of the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus will be the most sensitive to the energy of this New Moon.

Planning during this New Moon

During this New Moon, making plans may be harder than usual.

Our mind may be wandering, not focused on the task, rather subjective, and subject to fantasies about ourselves and our achievements.

If there is not enough focus, it is better to just write down all the ideas that come to mind, giving it free rein. And later, we may come back to the analysis of the written.

It is possible to plan using a flight of imagination, visualisation, and sketches.

During this New Moon, it is good to pay more attention to what inspires us, sparks our interest, and fires us with enthusiasm.

Lunar calendar on Today
Lunar calendar for July 2024
Lunar calendar for Year 2024