Full Moon on August 12, 2022

The Full Moon will occur on August 12 at 1:35 A.M. UTC.

During this Full Moon, the Moon will be in Aquarius and the Sun will be in Leo.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

During this Full Moon, a person learns to be more self-aware.

He learns to distinguish his true Self from the multiple images imposed from the outside.

In this sign, we become self-determined and aware of our individuality and originality. We discover our inner core. We recognize our Soul.

We begin to understand we need to learn not to lose ourselves to successfully interact the others.

During this Full Moon, we can improve true leadership qualities. For a leader, it s important to have a backbone and an internal support system. Self-sufficiency and independence are important.

The energy of this Full Moon

The energy of this Full Moon can give inner rigidity, coldness, and detachment. It can be difficult to establish contact with relatives, at work, or in a team of like-minded people. There will be a tendency to clamp emotions inside. It may be hard to be open.

A suppressed emotional state prevents the manifestation of one s individuality. It can be difficult to express your creativity, be cheerful and bright, act, and be active. Such an emotional state can be caused by external changes, unexpected twists of fate, and completely new, yet incomprehensible and unusual global trends.

The energy of this Full Moon brings a lot of uncertainty. The old opinion leaders and the outdated worldview may no longer help to cope with this.

There may be some ambivalence two ways of understanding and behaviour, and it may be difficult to figure out which of them is the right one.

The world around us seems to be split in half, and this can cause complex inner feelings.

To some extent, this Full Moon is very important. It radically turns the world in a new direction.

It s necessary to understand that these global events are temporary but they have an important impact on the world they shape the future.

At the level of small communities (family, colleagues, relatives, neighbours, and like-minded people) it s recommended to show patience, mutual understanding, assistance, and care.

When building positive relationships, every person shapes his future. Whether it will turn out right or not, depends on the actions of every individual.

Psychology, religion, and musical creativity can help us during this Full Moon. Also, introspection and meditation will help.

It s important to seek harmony inside yourself and develop feelings of compassion and love for all people, in an understandable and accessible way.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from August 10 to August 14, 2022.

Tense moments that arise during this Full Moon can be solved by meditating, practising yoga, and creativity.

During this period, it s important to show wisdom by making decisions and acting.

During this Full Moon, you can easily deal with some issues with the help of strong will and effort.

At this time, it s important not to put pressure on people and force them to act, you need to try to show more tolerance.

It s also important to be attentive to your inner discoveries that bring emotional satisfaction.

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