Full Moon and lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022

The Full Moon will occur on November 8, 2022, at 11:02 A.M. UTC.

During this Full Moon, the Moon will be in Taurus, and the Sun in Scorpio.

A Total Lunar Eclipse will occur during this Full Moon. It will begin at 10:17 A.M. and end at 11:42 A.M. UTC.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

Scorpio is a sign of transformation. A sign of symbolic death. The death of the past is to be reborn with a new meaning.

Its energies can sometimes seem ruthless, but a better word would be flawless .

It brings the cleansing power of the waters.

Through pleasures and enjoyment of life, Scorpio cleanses everything that accumulates in Taurus.

This Full Moon will occur on a fixed Grand Cross. And the cleansing flow will be directed to what has become familiar and is taken for granted. It will cleanse us from everything that is ossified and old and drags us to the bottom.

The eclipse adds to the already great importance of this Full Moon and will put more pressure on our pain points, aggravating the question of our I want and I wish I get .

We often forget that most of our desires are not genuine. They are imposed, belonging to others. But we still make efforts, and waste our force and resources on their implementation to get what we want and be like everyone else.

Scorpio and Taurus show this issue well and allow it to become less tense and purify itself.

The energy of this Full Moon and the Eclipse

The energy of the Full Moon is quite intense.

Worries for your financial situation, your home, your family, and even for yourself and your authority may appear.

Self-discipline, the ability to organise yourself and collect your thoughts and feelings, care about others, and the ability to think outside the box will help.

Together with an Eclipse, this Full Moon will make a karmic imprint. It appeared as a result of our wrong and incompetent actions in the past.

During this Eclipse, the mistakes of the past will be closely tied to the traits of Scorpio through rude speech, impulsive statements, pressure on others, criticism, jealousy, excessive sexuality, a tendency to dramatise too much when it comes to love and partnership issues, and self-indulgence.

Our main task during this Full Moon is to instinctively feel the right way to implement our ideas and work with new sensations. To look inside ourselves, look through our circumstances and physical body. To see the work of our mirror neurons that capture what we see.

There will be an opportunity to upgrade and transition your nonspiritual life to a new level via its refinement and facilitation.

An important assistance during this Full Moon will be the ability to perceive the psychological side of your life and the lives of others.

The energies of this Full Moon and the Eclipse will contain some deep sensitivity and the ability to see the depths, which will facilitate understanding yourself and others.

Also, this is a great time for musical, artistic, theatrical, and writing creativity.

Despite having quite tense configurations in its natal chart, the Full Moon has many points of support that can be used through immersion and adjustment to a subtle perception of reality.

The representatives of the signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius (especially those whose planets are at 16 degrees in these signs) and those who were born during the Full Moon will be the most perceptive to the influence of this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

The Full Moon will last from November 6 to November 10, 2022.

And as always, we remind you about the importance of meditation at this time. No matter what practices you choose, make sure they are aimed at awakening your light side and bringing you peace and tranquillity.

During the entire Full Moon period, there will be a tense configuration in the sky.

The situation will change starting November 9: you ll feel some kind of support and smoothing of the general emotional background.

All these days are good for creativity, reading philosophical literature, studying religion, working with symbols and meditations, providing mutual support, and patronage.

The Full Moon and the Eclipse will give us great opportunities for inner work. If you have a chance to go on a small retreat or restrain yourself from something on this day, this will be great.

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