New Moon on August 8, 2021

The New Moon on August 8, 2021, occurs at 13:50 UTC.

The Moon and the Sun will be in the sign of Leo during this New Moon.

The new lunar month will last until September 7, 2021.

The main meaning of this New Moon

During this New Moon, a person may more clearly feel what he really needs.

Here, we can follow our intuition, our needs, our self-awareness.

We are in a search of ourselves and our essence.

During this New Moon, we determine the points of implementation of the will in our development. We learn self-discipline.

We build our individual life plans.

We gain strength, energy, and courage.

The energy of this New Moon

The location of the planets makes it possible to show an active creative approach to one s activities.

However, freedom of expression should not violate social and higher laws.

A large flow of the energy of will makes it possible to make important decisions and take responsibility for them, moving towards the goal.

The power of concentration increases, helping to focus on the main thing.

The tendency to self-conceit and the inability to listen to others can increase pride. There is a possibility of distrust of your intuition and a tendency to rely on the rationality of your mind.

At this time, there is an opportunity to refine your skills in any business and achieve success in your craft.

However, comparison, the tendency to look at others, can lead you astray from this path, giving rise to isolation.

An enhanced imagination can give a creative breakthrough if a person does not succumb to mood swings, but is able to observe and realize his emotional side.

During this New Moon, it is not recommended to make promises to others.

It is advisable to be collected and direct attention to your goals and tasks.

This New Moon will be most powerful for representatives of the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio.

Planning during this New Moon

This New Moon gives you an opportunity to set tasks for improving yourself and boosting the level of your development.

One may plan the development of his organizational and leadership qualities, set tasks for creating his personal image.

It s during the New Moon in Leo when we can set the most ambitious goals.

We may set goals that we previously didn t dare to solve before. We can make original changes to the existing projects.

However, it s important not to get carried away by too large-scale planning and unachievable goals.

If some tasks have already been identified earlier, they can be strengthened with additional concentration during this New Moon.

When making a plan for the upcoming lunar month, it is worth looking into your dreams and paying attention to re-evaluating your goals.

It is important to determine whether you remain true to yourself and follow the call of your heart.

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