New Moon on June 6, 2024

The New Moon in Gemini will occur on June 6 at 12:37 UTC.

At the peak of the New Moon, the Moon and the Sun will be in the sign of Gemini.

The new lunar month will last until July 6, 2024.

The main meanings of this New Moon

The New Moon in Gemini directs us toward the ability to recognize pairs of opposites.

At this time, we learn to determine what benefits us and what harms us, what comes from above, and what is prompted from below.

We can find the points of contact of opposite skills and see their transition and flow from one to the other.

We can discover additional opportunities where we have not seen them or turned away from them in the past.

This New Moon gives us the opportunity to feel how and where our energy is being spent.

The energy of this New Moon

This New Moon directs us toward communication, learning, and sharing experiences.

The energy of the New Moon helps to resolve issues with documents, conduct important negotiation meetings, and find an agreement in important and large-scale deals.

It promotes travelling, going on a trip, business trips, and various movements, especially in the already known direction.

The energy of the New Moon can cause an excessive desire to present ourselves and present our best selves only.

The desire to adorn our looks and transform ourselves may wake up.

At the same time, the feeling of inner self-satisfaction and joy can be significantly reduced.

Light-mindedness may increase. The desire for easy, fleeting, and non-demanding relationships may awaken.

The feeling of falling in love can seize us and also can go away easily.

This New Moon may launch new important projects that will be supported by the authorities.

This time is favourable for writing and the work of media and information platforms.

Excessive activity can be met with great obstacles and tensions.

We need to be especially careful when driving, being in a large crowd, at a construction site, or when doing difficult physical work.

Planning important conversations with higher-ups and bosses for this New Moon is not advised.

It is good at this time to address important matters related to documents and reallocate finances.

This is the time to demonstrate our social status, authority, professional skills, and writing talent.

Representatives of the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini will be the most sensitive to the energies of this New Moon.

People born under the signs of Sagittarians, Leo, and Libra born at the end of their sign and the representatives of the sign of Virgo born at the beginning of the sign can experience this New Moon more intensely.

Planning during this New Moon

On this New Moon, it is good to plan training or learning, gain new experience, establish new connections, and expand the customer base.

It s good to work with imagination, engage in writing, sign up for educational courses, and start learning to acquire new skills.

It is good to structure knowledge and specify and clarify information.

Lunar calendar on Today
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Lunar calendar for Year 2024