The Full Moon and Eclipse on May 5, 2023

The Full Moon will occur on May 5 at 5:33 P.M. UTC.

At the time of the Full Moon, the Moon will be in Scorpio, and the Sun will be in Taurus.

At the same, a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will occur.

The main meanings of the Full Moon

In the East, this Full Moon is called Vesak festival. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches: ...Give up your desire, but not before it has consumed itself

The main theme of this Full Moon is working with our desires and their identification and recognition.

Some desires are sincere as they are coming from the heart, and others are imposed and alien because they are coming from the outside.

Our task is to learn to see and distinguish our true desires, and then be able to implement them.

The energy of this Full Moon

The energy of this Full Moon increases emotional tension.

Deep and intense feelings, emotions, and experiences may arise. Hidden fears and secret resentments may surface. The mood may change in the most unexpected ways.

There may be a desire to demonstrate originality, act in a bizarre way, or change the environment abruptly.

Original thoughts and ideas may come to mind. There may be a craving for reviewing our lives, events, and situations. Memories from the past may surface and old acquaintances may appear out of the blue .

There may appear tension in the area where a person occupies an important or authoritative position.

During this period, it may be difficult to promote yourself and achieve social fulfilment.

Sentimentality and illusions may fill our feelings. Frivolous connections without any future potential may appear. We may want more love than usual. There may be a desire to give gifts or receive them.

There will be an opportunity to make progress in the beauty sphere and increase our importance, but it is better to avoid illusions and self-deception here.

The sphere of activity promises to be inert. The tendency to act in the name of family and home increases.

A cosy family atmosphere, household chores, relatives, and children will help to improve the emotional state.

You can build a smart home and bring various innovations into your daily life.

The representatives of the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, and Cancer, those who have planets in the last degrees of Gemini or Aries, at the beginning and at the end of the Pisces sign, and at the beginning of the Aquarius sign will be the most sensitive to this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

This Full Moon will last from May 3 to May 7, 2023.

At the beginning of this period, there may be a great burden on our social sphere. It will be good to seek support in creativity, in everything that gives pleasure, and in communication with the people you like.

After the peak of the Full Moon s illumination, the need for contact with nature will increase. It s a good time to go on vacation with family and loved ones, including kindred spirits.

Intuition and understanding of where and how to move on will strengthen.

This is the last Eclipse on the Grand Fixed Cross, which is connected to the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, so it would be useful to analyse our lives over the past year and a half.

During this Full Moon, it is good to structure information, create schemes, make plans, sort out your knowledge and documents, and describe job responsibilities in detail.

This period is good for reviewing the learned material, deepening already existing connections, completing learning courses, finishing paperwork, reviewing agreements, and conducting research and scientific work.

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