Full Moon on June 4, 2023

The Full Moon will occur at 3:41 A.M. UTC.

At the peak of this Full Moon, the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius, and the Sun will be in the sign of Gemini.

This Full Moon will take place on the Mutable Cross.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

The task of this Full Moon is to move from excessive optimism mixed with idealism to inner harmony and the ability to combine two things into one and to develop the ability to see a reflection in another person but only our own reflection, but of the whole world.

We need to match our desire to achieve goals with the contradictions of this world and to see who is for and who is against. Who joins us on the path, and who moves against our current and is not the best companion for this journey, but on the contrary, a part that strengthens resistance.

Sometimes, we need to learn how to part but to do it skilfully so we do not harm ourselves and others. Sometimes, we need to skilfully meet and build the right relationship with those who are with us through thick and thin, and not just make promises.

On this Full Moon, it is important to learn to see exactly what is happening around us, who is our true friend, and who is only pretending.

The energy of this Full Moon

The energy of any Full Moon is usually not easy and doesn t bring peace of mind.

Both creative and commercial activities will help us to find balance.

The energy of this Full Moon is favourable for achieving success in business, trading, implementing new technologies, making agreements, and signing contracts.

The energy of this Full Moon is not the best for promoting our authority and implementing big projects. Also, it is not advised to make agreements with state, foreign, and large organisations at this period.

It will be possible to achieve success when it comes to promotion and moving up the career ladder, if everything is prepared in advance, goes according to plan, and there are proteges.

This is not the best time to solve issues related to the sale and purchase of brand name products and luxury goods.

Any activity may bring emotional satisfaction, but there may be disputes with authoritative figures and higher-ups. It is better to avoid all disputes and conflicts with authoritative figures.

The energy of this Full Moon is favourable for creativity, showing love and care for others and family pastime. It brings a romantic mood, a tendency to a more subtle perception, and awakens our interest in music, art, and poetry.

There may appear a desire to show our children, lovers, and loved ones more love than usual, but we should not idealise either the feelings or the people because this Full Moon may have the effect of rose-coloured glasses.

The power of this Full Moon gives us a tendency to show our activity and leadership qualities brightly and openly, there will be an opportunity to compete, gather people in a team, and strive for reaching our goals.

It may be difficult to discipline ourselves from time to time. Fears and resentments may arise, both associated with our loved ones and business partners.

The most sensitive to the energy of this Full Moon will be those who have planets in the signs of Taurus and Pisces, in the middle of the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, at the end of the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, and the beginning of the signs of Leo and Aquarius.

The Full Moon dates

The Full Moon period will last from June 2 to June 6, 2023.

At the beginning of the Full Moon period, information fatigue syndrome may appear due to the need to deeply understand the incoming information. Difficulties with self-discipline are likely.

Love and the need to experience joy and pleasure can bring a lot of unfulfilled desires and a feeling that we want a lot, but it is not clear what exactly we want.

Creativity, music, and meditation will help to overcome difficult conditions.

By the end of the Full Moon, it will become easier to pull yourself together. Self-discipline and organisation will significantly improve our mood.

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