New Moon on January 2, 2022

The New Moon occurs at 6:33 P.M. UTC.

The Moon and Sun will be in Capricorn on this New Moon.

The new lunar month will last until February 1, 2022

Key meanings of the New Moon

On this New Moon, we can direct our attention to the difficult places in our lives. You can choose those topics that affect us, but for interaction with which there is neither time nor energy.

Here we can designate places where we want to achieve something. 

At the same time, we can see how deeply we have buried ourselves in something and find ways out of our routine.

New Moon in Capricorn gives us a chance to understand what things should be forgotten, which ones are worth doing with proper effort and result, and which ones should be humbly, long and systematically worked on.

The energy of this New Moon

In general, the energy of this New Moon is fairly even.

Spend this New Moon in a calm, pleasant atmosphere and friendly company. It is advisable to avoid noisy activities.

Pay more attention to the restoration of your forces.

If you meet the New Moon peacefully, then you can have enough energy for the whole coming month. It will support you in your endeavors and deeds. Otherwise, the month can be accompanied by fatigue, apathy, and some internal dissatisfaction.

The New Moon raises the issue of the struggle between the new and the old. 

On the one hand, there is a need for change at one level or another. On the other hand, it is difficult to let go of the painfully familiar. 

At this time you can look deep inside yourself, see your hidden emotional worries. 

The energy of the New Moon increases the need to be more at home, in familiar and comfortable places.

At this time, it becomes difficult to show your emotions outwardly. Internal emotional background can be discharged through friendly communication with loved ones or individual inner work.

If the inner emotions press hard, then you can dance, move actively, seek peace through nature. 

The New Moon on January 2 begins to focus toward a greater understanding of ourselves and others. The feeling of empathy and mutual help grows. Responsiveness strengthens.

There is a fairly large internal impulse to act in the direction of achieving one s goals.

Planning this New Moon

It is advisable to spend this New Year s New Moon in a calm and harmonious atmosphere, planning not only the upcoming lunar month but also the entire new year 2022.

At this time you can plan the solution to the most difficult problems.

It is good to designate topics that require long and painstaking work, where you have to use patience and wait.

The New Moon is suitable for storing strength and energy to overcome hard cases, your inveterate habits, and stereotypes. 

You can designate the heights that you want to achieve in your life.

It is favorable to plan earthly, material things. Determine, listening to your intuition, how much effort and time you can spend on a particular case. Feel whether the things you are undertaking are within your power.

In this lunar month, it is favorable to schedule a training program and improve your education, engaging in intellectual activities and active recreation.

It is not necessary to plan for the upcoming month purchases, except for the most essential ones.  

It is important on this New Moon to meditate on stability and harmonious renewal of your life.

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