New Moon on February 1, 2022

The New Moon on February 1, 2022, will occur at 5:45 A.M. UTC.

On this day, the Chinese New Year comes and the Water Tiger starts to rule by activating the spirit of adventure, play and risk.

During this New Moon, both the Sun and the Moon will be in Aquarius.

The new lunar month will last until March 2, 2022.

The main meanings of this New Moon

In Aquarius, we learn to organize our lives. We are learning how to plan and build it correctly.

We learn how to build it in such a way that we don t not only participate in external activities but also find time for our internal processes, without entering into conflicts with others.

Here we expand outward, remaining in our center. The external and the internal sides remain one.

Excessive dissolution in the company or full dedication to work can be misleading for the internal orientation.

Here we find a balance between our own and the public aspects. We learn to distinguish the I and the Not-I.

The energy of this New Moon

The main confrontation of the New Moon will be linked with personal fantasies and illusions, which are based on contradictions between your opinion of what the other thinks and what is happening around you. One may feel going from one extreme to another.

At this time, it can be difficult to have a dialogue and agree with people. Everyone has his own opinion and, as it may seem to each person, his opinion is the one that is correct.

There will be likely some confusion between what s good and what s evil, what s right and what s wrong.

The energy of this New Moon will give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience, show more love and compassion for others, find the ground for mutual understanding.

The forces of the New Moon will try to confuse everything, lead to temptations, push to abandon one s ideals.

Art is once again will become the major support during this New Moon. If you don t create it, at least tune to it, think about it, strive to find inspiration and enthusiasm for it.

The New Moon will strengthen internal responsibility. The air will be filled with the idea No pain, no gain . Efficiency increases, healthy ambitiousness grows.

Self-realization will be difficult. The ideas will be boiling inside you. The familiar things will keep synthesizing with the new ones and acquire a more stable contour of the new vision of the future.

We will face the task of honing our present and future harmoniously, without hypertrophy.

Planning during this New Moon

This is a good time for planning mutual creativity, determining mutual projects with the family and the team of colleagues.

You can find time for brainstorming sessions and joint events.

It would be good to schedule meetings with relatives, close ones, and grandparents.

It is also important to find time for yourself, your creativity, expansion and a new perspective on your life.

During this New Moon, planning should be carried out in a way that your own tasks and tasks related to external activities are harmoniously distributed.

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