Moon aspects on July 30, 2024


Aspects of the Moon with planets on July 30, 2024

The Moon sextile Sun

Harmonious aspect of the Sun and the Moon gives the mental and psychic balance, well being and good efficiency.

The inner harmony is growing and the relationship and mutual understanding with others are improving.

Harmony of the Moon and the Sun betters the relationship with opposite sex.

Energy of the Sun makes true goals in the life more clear, and gives the resources to achieve it.

The imagination is brought into accord with reality.

Read more about The Sun

The Moon square Mercury

The conflicting aspect of Mercury with the Moon reinforces the confusion of thought.

The emotions can take the place of reason and a person can become unstable and restless.

The tendency to gab, foolish talking, fussiness is Increasing.

Emotions and illusions tend to blur the mind.

The conflict of the Moon and Mercury is blocking connection of mind with the subconscious.

It may be difficult adequately to express the thoughts.

During this aspect it is better to postpone the important deeds and negotiate.

Do not overload your mind.

Read more about Mercury

The Moon conjunct Mars

Harmonious aspect of Mars and Moon softens the assertive and uncompromising energy of Mars.
it gives the opportunity to act and to win gently, though persistently.

At this time the relations with opposite sex are harmonized.

The favorable influence of Mars increases the self confidence, the aspiration toward ideals becomes brighter.

The coherence of Moon and Mars increases emotional energy, you only need to aim it to the right direction.

During this period, you can try to solve the hard problems requiring not only strength, but the pliability and tact also.

Read more about Mars

The Moon conjunct Jupiter

A harmonious aspect of Jupiter and the Moon brings the good luck and provides protection of higher powers.

Some gifts of fortune are possible.
 Visiting the institutions is favorable.

Influence of Jupiter expands the consciousness and the feeling of higher self is enhanced.

The kindness and compassion to the others appears.

The spiritual practices, prayers and work with subconscious are particularly favorable at this time.
Also, harmonious Jupiter favors a travels, making them lucky and interesting.

Read more about Jupiter