Moon aspects on July 26, 2024


Aspects of the Moon with planets on July 26, 2024

The Moon trine Venus

The harmonious aspect of Venus and the Moon reveals creativity, refines the taste and improves the art perception.

The world becomes more beautiful and life brings a satisfaction.

The influence of Venus enhances the intuition, the revelations and discoveries are possible during this period.

The relationships with opposite sex are harmonized.

The feelings are refined and becoming more depth and softness.

Read more about Venus

The Moon sextile Jupiter

A harmonious aspect of Jupiter and the Moon brings the good luck and provides protection of higher powers.

Some gifts of fortune are possible.
 Visiting the institutions is favorable.

Influence of Jupiter expands the consciousness and the feeling of higher self is enhanced.

The kindness and compassion to the others appears.

The spiritual practices, prayers and work with subconscious are particularly favorable at this time.
Also, harmonious Jupiter favors a travels, making them lucky and interesting.

Read more about Jupiter