Moon aspects on February 17, 2024


Aspects of the Moon with planets on February 17, 2024

The Moon trine Mars

Harmonious aspect of Mars and Moon softens the assertive and uncompromising energy of Mars.
it gives the opportunity to act and to win gently, though persistently.

At this time the relations with opposite sex are harmonized.

The favorable influence of Mars increases the self confidence, the aspiration toward ideals becomes brighter.

The coherence of Moon and Mars increases emotional energy, you only need to aim it to the right direction.

During this period, you can try to solve the hard problems requiring not only strength, but the pliability and tact also.

Read more about Mars

The Moon square Saturn

Adverse aspect Saturn and the Moon causes the weakness of character and the lack of self-discipline.

The self-doubt, lethargy and listlessness, depression and fear of being alone are possible at this time.

The tension between the Moon and Saturn can cause a sense of injustice of life, unsubstantiated complaints and the self-pity.

Read more about Saturn