The Sun in Capricorn

About Capricorn sign

Capricorn is very material and practical sign which expresses a peak development of forms.
Earth energy of Capricorn is the most powerful all the other Zodiac signs.
Capricorn is a triumph of material, it reaches the most concrete aspects. After a triumph of material comes a triumph of Spirit.
Capricorn goes for the perfection, mastery and maximum expression of form.
The energy of Capricorn is characterized with insistence, thoroughness and promotes realization of ideas.
From one hand Capricorn gives secure foothold on the earth and aspiration to get the peaks of the world and from the other hand gives spiritual aspiration as a main need.
Capricorn is a sign of spiritual Teacher but also it represents confirmed egoist.
In a harmonious case it is a spiritual search of self-assured man.
Capricorn is a sign of completion. In a crystallized form, on the peak of a mountain, is a seed of destruction. Nature of earth transforms to the nature of air.
Under this sign old cycles of efforts are completed and new one starts.
Capricorn controls a transition on the upper level.
In a human body Capricorn is connected with knees, movable joints, skin and bones.
Keywords for Capricorn are crystallization, peak and triumph.
Ruler of Capricorn is Saturn.

The Sun in Capricorn

During the Sun is in Capricorn pay attention on your perfecting in different life spheres. In a professional sphere it can be performed in mastery achievement and leveling up.
In spiritual sense it can appear as a search of new meanings of life and reorientation to them.
The energy of Capricorn provides us ambitious aspiration to all Perfect.
A problem of Capricorn is excessive egoism, ambition and pride (including spiritual pride which is the most dangerous one).
Therefore it is recommended to practice permanent humility which shows your real place in the Universe.
Not in vain Capricorn is connected with knees. You have to drop on knees first and only then you will be able to reach the peaks.