Astrological forecast for March 2021

Mercury is direct in Aquarius until March 16

Such a position of Mercury makes brain more inventive. Original and progressive thoughts might come to mind.

Tasks related to calculations, exact sciences are easier to solve. The interest in sciences is awakening. Mind becomes more provident.

The friendly attitude is increasing. It becomes easier to be sincere and to get acquainted with people.

Until March 13, Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter in Aquarius

Such a conjunction makes mind even more active and resourceful, gives it originality and quick wit. It facilitates learning process and helps in assimilating sciences.

Intense aspect of Mercury to Lilith until March 6 will bring criticism, inconsistency and stubbornness

Misunderstanding and mistrust of other people are possible. It might be more difficult to understand each other.

Mental anxiety and expansion of fears are possible. Those things that were rotating in our heads and bothered our subconscious might occur through our circumstances during this time.

During the period between March 1-6 it s beneficial to make practices that calm the mind.

It s useful to keep a diary and write down the thoughts that are coming back to your mind often.

On March 16, Mercury enters Pisces

Due to such a position of the planet it becomes more complicated to think about specific things, everything that should be planned or calculated in advance is harder to do.

However, during the period of this Mercury, abstract thinking strengthens. Figurative vision awakens, imagination becomes lively and active. Memory is improving.

The state of other people becomes faster to understand and to feel.

This is a beneficial time for writing and acting. It s good to start processes related to creativity and art, imagination and music.

During this period, it s advised to be more objective and to not fly far away from reality in your fantasies.

Intense aspect of Mercury to Mars on March 19-29 increases irritability and excitability

Sarcasm and impulsiveness might be more frequently seen, in addition, doubt and self-love might strengthen.

If planning to invest, check the company where you re going to invest in with a special attention.

During this period, it s better to be attentive to what you say and be more loyal to yourself and other people.

In order to avoid the influence of this aspect, one should focus on harmonious aspect of Uranus and Mercury, that will last between March 19-26, and that gives an opportunity to get the revelations and a possibility to search for creative solutions of many issues.

From March 27 to April 2, Neptune conjuncts with Mercury in Pisces

This aspect might provide an increased vulnerability, improve dreaminess and make the perception of reality more complex.

However, this period is the most beneficial for creativity.

Big purchases, deals and agreements are better to transfer to another date.

Venus in Pisces until March 21

The position of Venus in Pisces adds sensuality. The desire to understand a close person appears; one might want to feel peace and harmony in relationships.

In a common atmosphere, it will add more friendliness between people. However, one shouldn t be very trustful during this period.

It s a good time to look for new clothes, change your style, experiment with interior and decorations at home.

Venus awakens the strive for something beautiful that is hard to describe with words.

Venus in conjunction with the Sun during the whole March

Such a position of Venus gives a spark and helps people to express their creativity in life and show their particular qualities.

This is a wonderful period for self-development from aesthetic point of view. It s time for cultural development and elevation of one s feelings through art.

Possibilities to be more diplomatic, to show peaceful attitude, to become more attractive, change the style and wardrobe appear.

Venus in conjunction with Neptune on March 11-19

During this period, a strive for beautiful and desire of creative self-expression is several times bigger that usual.

This is a good period for understanding your financial ambitions, their limits and opportunities.

Time like this one opens additional opportunities for people who practice meditations and for those who are searching for understanding and learning the other side of life.

The danger of this period is mystification, self-deception, estrangement from reality, excessive fantasies.

This time is good for focusing on understanding of love in its deep sense, its true meaning and on the way love manifests itself in life.

During this period it s better to try and control everything that s happening to us.

Venus in Aries from March 21 until April 14

The influence of Venus here is less powerful.

It becomes more complicated to express the thoughts. A feeling of discomfort might appear.

Some kind of shortage in inner and outer life might appear. It might be harder to express the thoughts.

Moreover, other people might show their insincerity and misunderstanding.

Mars in Gemini from March 4 until April 23

When Mars is in such a position, willpower is decreasing, it becomes difficult to follow the way that leads to desired goals.

During the period of this Mars, it s better to be surrounded by positive, talented and inspiring people.

During this period, there might be a chance to become engaged into verbal arguments that have impulsive character and bring conflicts. It s better to avoid scandals, aggressive speeches and harsh words.

This time is bad for hurrying. It s important to accurately fill the documents, check for the possible mistakes.

Everything that is started during this period might be hard to finish or complete.

The power of word is growing during this time, convincing people will be easier.

The speed of information spread will increase, that s why it s not recommended to share secrets during this period.

New knowledge with such a position of Mars are fast and easy to assimilate.

Harmonious aspect of Mars and Saturn starts on March 12 and lasts until end of the month

The harmonious aspect between Mars and Saturn gives strength for overcoming difficult challenges and brings endurance and determination.

The aspect increases efficiency and responsibility. An ability to control states and emotions appears.

During this period, it s important to remember about rest and make breaks from work.

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