Astrological forecast for July 2021

Mars is in the sign of Leo until July 29

It gives lots of energy and enthusiasm for reaching your goal.

We may have enough strength for overcoming difficult obstacles with such a position of Mars. It s getting easier to stand your ground and defend your interests.

Activity, joy, and vitality are appearing. A little playfulness is starting to fill the general atmosphere.

This time is good for the sport, for achieving results. One may try using his charm and magnetism for getting the desired result.

However, it s important not to be absorbed with these activities, otherwise, there s a risk to go to extremes and become lazy, shallow, and angry.

Mercury is in Gemini until July 11

The beginning of July is a wonderful time for solving questions related to documents, negotiations, making agreements, financial operations, and important purchases.

This is a good time for closing credits, paying off debts, finishing what was started.

Mercury in Gemini increases the tendency to communicate, contact with people. It eases work with information and numbers.

It s good to start learning something new, something that you didn t know before during this time.

The negotiations with foreign companies may be successful.

Applying for visas, moving or traveling may be easier during this time.

It s recommended to finish all necessary beginnings until July 9.

Venus is in the sign of Leo until July 22

Venus in Leo gives a special brightness to the major part of July.

Such a position of Venus is favorable for holding festivals, exhibitions and different kinds of events, receptions, fashion shows, visiting museums, theaters.

It s good to create an image of oneself and define the look in which one can look most favorably during this time.

This is time for art.

It s a good time for revealing talent in acting, a wonderful period for directors, screenwriters, poets and writers.

Also, this period is favorable for promotions at work and meeting useful business partners.

It s possible to express one s feelings with dignity and courage because the emotional sphere is open during this time.

It s advised to buy beautiful things that create image and style.

Also, it s possible to purchase interior and luxury items.

Mercury is in Cancer on July 11-28

After transitioning of Mercury in the sign of Cancer, general emotional background and sensitivity may increase.

The mind will become less focused and more emotion-driven.

The memory is getting better during this period, that is why any new knowledge will be easy to memorize.

However, not only good things can be remembered during this period but bad ones as well. That is why all offenses may remind about themselves, leading into the depth of worries.

The imagination works well during this time. This is favorable for art and creative writing.

Also, it s possible to find non-standard solutions to the issues related to documents.

One can fearlessly trust his intuition with such a position of Mercury.

It s favorable to make sea trips and spend more time near water.

Lilith transitions in the sign of Gemini on July 18

It will be in this sign until April 2022.

Such a position of Lilith may bring complications in communication processes. On one hand, some inconsistency, on the other hand, excessive talkativeness.

Some promiscuity in communication and contacts may appear.

One should be especially attentive to the people he establishes contacts with.

Communication may become more superficial. It s advised to think before talking at this time, otherwise, the principle what s on the mind is on the tongue may prevail.

The tendency to consume information indiscriminately may increase.

Avoid gossiping, slander, untruthful speeches.  It s advised to thoroughly check all the information.

Problems with documents, securities and accurate calculations may occur. Confusion with agreements, mistakes, and distortion of information are possible.

During this period, it s important to learn how to separate grains from the chaffs when it comes to information and try to convey truth to others.

Venus transitions in the sign of Virgo on July 22

Venus in Virgo removes pomposity and brings a certain shyness, modesty and even uncertainty.

Such a position of Venus should be taken as an opportunity to balance excessive pomp and festivity.

And in no way such a position of blocking its quality.

Therefore, when relying on the experience of Venus in Leo, one should balance it to a certain extent.

The necessity for arranging is increasing during this period. It s good to put things in order in the cabinets, papers, arrange items on the shelves.

Any work that requires focusing on details, patience and scrupulous labor can be successful during this time.

For example, embroidery or long calculations. Research projects, where one needs to conduct and put lots of details together, may go well too.

This is a wonderful position for education.

It s not advised to compare yourself to others and belittle your dignity too much during this time.

This period is difficult for expressing one s feelings and emotions, especially romantic ones. It s advised to avoid reproaches of carelessness when addressing others.

Jupiter remains in retrograde motion

Such a position of Jupiter is good for reevaluation of one s social contacts.

It s good to finish the interrupted studies, learn foreign languages, restore connections, which are necessary, during this time.

One can initiate educational, cultural and charity events during the retrograde Jupiter period.

Also, it s important to pay attention to spiritual growth.

It s not the most favorable time for the projects that are aimed to make a big profit.

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